基于asprova的某企业的生产计划与排程工作的优化,摘 要 在制造型企业中,根据己有的资源,包括工具、设备、工人等的具体情况,以及各种约束条件,对现有订单需要生产的产品制定生产计划是一项非常重要的工作。生产计划的质量直接影响到能否给客户一个合理的可以接受的交货期,并且做到最低的库存,最短的制造提前期。订单的完成情况...

此文档由会员 272363639 发布基于asprova的某企业的生产计划与排程工作的优化
摘 要
关键词:ERP ,高级计划与排程 ,asprova,设计
Based On The Asprova Of A Certain Enterprise's Production Planning And Scheduling Optimization Of Work
In manufacturing enterprises, according to some of their own resources, including tools, equipment, works and so on the specific circumstances, as well as variety of constraints, it is a very important job to develop the production planning & schedule of products on the existing orders .The production planning & schedule has a direct impact on giving customers a reasonable & acceptable delivery, and to achieve the lowest inventories, to create the shortest lead time. the completion of orders will have a direct impact on the customer satisfaction, thereby affecting the long-term development.
For the production planning of ERP is not accurate, it is hard to meet the need of the enterprise in the production planning & scheduling. However, APS system is continually on the basis of ERP, it makes up a variety deficiencies of ERP. integration of the workshop task and the workshop work function, making the production plan to shop execution, production scheduling in one take, with the unique advantages it easily solutes the problem of enterprise in the production planning and scheduling.
This article first introduces the basic theory of the APS and the differences and relations among APS, MRP and ERP. And then discusses the problems of a real food manufacturing enterprise, by using the asprova software combined with the actual situation of an enterprise to model and design production planning and scheduling. The simulation results of asprova shows the absolute advantage of the APS in production planning and scheduling.
KEY WORDS: ERP,APS, asprova, design
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1论文研究的背景 1
1.2 研究的主要内容 2
1.3论文研究的意义 3
2 APS相关理论 5
2.1 APS的相关概念 5
2.1.1 APS的起源 5
2.1.2 APS的概念 5
2.1.3 APS的现状及发展趋势 6
2.2 APS的系统结构和功能模型 7
2.2.1 APS的系统结构 7
2.2.2 APS的功能模型 8
2.3 APS的特征与作用范围 9
2.3.1 APS的特征 9
2.3.2 APS的作用范围 10
2.4 APS与MRP、ERP的关系 11
2.4.1 APS与MRP的关系 11
2.4.2 APS与ERP的联系与区别 11
2.5 APS排成要素与相关原则 13
2.5.1 APS排程三要素 13
2.5.2 APS排程时必须考虑的限制因素 14
2.5.3 APS排程时的最短路径原则 15
3 食品(方便面)制造企业概述 16
3.1企业业务流程 16
3.1.1总体业务流程 16
3.1.2 生产流程 16
3.1.3车间制造流程 17
3.2企业情况 18
3.3企业存在的问题 18
3.3.1库存积压 18
3.3.2 生产车间任务量大,缺乏弹性 19
3.3.3 生产计划的制定和执行困难 19
3.4运用asprova进行生产计划与排程 19
4 基于该企业的APS生产排程的建模与设计 20
4.1资源 20
4.1.1 物料 20
4.1.2 工人 21
4.1.3 生产线 21
4.1.4 机器 22
4.1.5 仓库 22
4.1.6 供应商 22
4.2工艺路线 22
4.2.1 操作工序 22
4.2.2 工序流程图 29
4.3 外围要素 32
4.3.1 时间范围 32
4.3.2 日程安排 32
4.3.3 供需情况 32
4.4 asprova APS的模型建立过程 33
4.5 asprova APS在生产计划与排程上的优化与分析 38
4.5.1 精确生产排计划与排程 38
4.5.2 可适应的几种突发情况 39
4.5.3 导入Asprova APS系统后给企业带来的好处 39
4.6 案例总结 39
5 总结 40
致 谢 42
参考文献 43