

上市公司财务状况与股票价格相关性研究毕业论文,目录摘 要11abstract121 引言131.1 选题背景和意义131.2 国内外研究状况141.2.1 国外研究状况141.2.2 国内研究状况141.3 本文研究内容和方法152 财务指标与股票市场的相关理论研究162.1 有效市场假说理论162.2 现代剩余收益模型...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 272363639 发布


摘 要 11
Abstract 12
1 引言 13
1.1 选题背景和意义 13
1.2 国内外研究状况 14
1.2.1 国外研究状况 14
1.2.2 国内研究状况 14
1.3 本文研究内容和方法 15
2 财务指标与股票市场的相关理论研究 16
2.1 有效市场假说理论 16
2.2 现代剩余收益模型概述 17
2.2.1  对Ohlson(1995)模型的概述 17
2.2.2  对F-O(1995)模型的概述 18
2.2.3  对F-O(1996)模型的概述 19
3 基于F-O模型的财务指标与股票价格相关性研究 20
3.1 模型的修正及评价 20
3.2 模型的建立与预测 20
3.2.1 模型变量的定义(自变量与因变量) 20
3.2.2 数据来源及处理软件的选择 22
3.2.3 相关性研究的预测 22
3.3 相关性结果分析与结论 23
3.3.1 相关性计算结果分析 23
3.3.2 相关性分析结论 26
4 上市公司综合财务状况与股票价格相关性研究 27
4.1 模型的建立与预测 27
4.1.1 研究说明及主要财务指标的选择 27
4.1.2 数据来源及处理软件的选择 27
4.1.3 相关性研究的预测 28

4.2 相关性结果分析与结论 28
4.2.1 相关性计算结果分析 28
4.2.2 相关性结果结论 30
5 结论与展望 31
5.1 投资和政策建议 31
5.2 本文研究的创新点及展望 31
致 谢 32
[参考文献] 33
附录1:文献综述 34
附录2:外文文献译文 39
附录3:外文文献原文 44
附录4:样本上市公司证券列表 50

摘 要
  关键词: 股票价格   会计绩效指标   F-O模型   相关性

   With the development of the stock market and the listed company’s financial management becoming more and more improvement, “the maximization of shareholder's equity” is the ultimate goal of listed companies. Thus, “stock price” becomes a very important core index to both the management of companies and the investors. The management of companies regards stock price as a key indicator which reflects the business performance while the investors choose particular stocks according to the analysis of the financial statement. Therefore, certain relations exist between the Listed Company’s financial position and stock price.
   This article can be divided into three aspects as follows to studies: First this paper has the theoretical which is basis on the Feltham-Ohlson stock valuation models (hereinafter referred to as F-O model), and explores the correlation of two basic financial indicators (EPS and NAVPS) and stock price, the ability to explain for the price, and the regularity of the ability to explain for the price at different time ; Second, Basic on the model coined by Feltham and Ohlson, this paper has the starting point which react enterprises consolidated financial situation, introduces several key financial indexes, uses the method of combining the correlation analysis with multiple regression analysis, and conducts an empirical study on the listed companies which are listed in the stock market in Shanghai and Shenzhen and establishes the regression model about the relationship between stock price and accounting information. Through the above analyses, proves that the ability of EPS to explain for the price are higher than others; Finally, the research results provide investors with some reasonable countermeasures and investment recommendation.
 Key Words: Stock Price   Accounting Index   F-O Model   Correlation