利用三坐标测量仪确定聚苯乙烯材料表面形态(英文翻译),英文字符:49324中文字数:9774d·艾奇逊 r·苏莱曼新西兰克赖斯特彻奇坎特伯雷大学机械工程学院 摘要 由于泡沫材料的用途广泛,全世界材料市场对它的需求量迅速上升。泡沫材料被广泛应用与汽车工业、食品包装工业、医疗卫生、运动器械、家庭用具、海岸浮标及救生圈,和...
原文档由会员 跟往事干杯 发布利用三坐标测量仪确定聚苯乙烯材料表面形态(英文翻译)
D·艾奇逊 R·苏莱曼
摘要 由于泡沫材料的用途广泛,全世界材料市场对它的需求量迅速上升。泡沫材料被广泛应用与汽车工业、食品包装工业、医疗卫生、运动器械、家庭用具、海岸浮标及救生圈,和小型船只等。因为泡沫材料的使用大大关系到人们的日常生活,所以有必要通过改变切割和加工的速度使它形成各种不同的形状。这种利用计算机辅助切割机床或全自动切割机才能达到。但是,切割的速度将会影响到材料加工后的表面粗糙度。所以,为达到优质的表面加工质量,有必要确定聚苯乙烯的表面形态。当前,人们正在研究制造一台用于这种泡沫材料的快速原型制造设备,研究的第一阶段就是在不同种类的金属切割丝在不同的温度下用不同的进给量切削后利用坐标测量仪确定聚苯乙烯表面形态。
关键字 聚苯乙烯 表面形态 热切割丝
Determining the surface form of polystyrene through
the coordinate measurement machine
D Aitchison and R Sulaiman*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Abstract: The market for foam materials has been growing rapidly throughout the world as they have a variety of uses. Some examples are in the automotives industries, food packaging industries, medical application, sports gears, home insulations and floatation in offshore drilling rigs, buoys and small boats. Since the uses of foam affects greatly the daily lives of humans, the need to have foams in different shapes requires speed in cutting and manufacture. This can only be done through computer aided cutting machines or automated cutting of foams. However, the speed of cutting will affect the surface . finish of the cut. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the surface form of the polystyrene to achieve quality results. This is an on-going research to produce a rapid-prototyping machine that cuts foam models. The . first phase of this research is to determine the surface form of polystyrene through the use of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), after being cut with different types of wires, at different temperatures and cutting feed-rates.
Keywords: polystyrene, surface form, hot-wire cutting