

压缩空气系统耗能与节能分析(英文翻译),abstract                                                                                                                     analyzes the compressed air transpo...
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原文档由会员 跟往事干杯 发布

                                                                                                                     Analyzes the compressed air transport process from compressed to the loss of energy consumption, and concludes that the compression process loss of 44% of total energy consumption, uninstall lose about 9% use blood pressure loss about 3% in addition, leak loss without hot regeneration dry pipeline transport and environment loss loss temperature reduction loss has a different degree of proportion in view of the above all kinds of loss, this paper, from the selection of equipment system pipeline design and installation, and optimizing operation three put forward a series of saving energy consumption reduction measures and improving methods, to improve the efficiency in the use of energy consumption reduction have certain reference significance

Key words: compressed air; energy lose; energy consumption; energy conservation

摘 要
分析了压缩空气从压缩到输送过程的能量消耗损失,得出压缩过程损失约占总耗能的 44%,卸载损失约9%降压使用损失约占3%此外,泄露损失无热再生干燥损失管路输送损失以及环境温降损失都有不同程度的比例针对以上各类损失,本文从设备选型系统管路设计与安装以及优化运行3个方面提出了一系列节约能源降低消耗的措施及改进方法,对提高能源利用效率降低消耗有一定参考意义。

关键词: 压缩空气系统;能量损失;耗能;节能。