tcp/ip数据包分析器设计,摘 要随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,网络安全问题显得尤其突出。通过采集网络数据并对其进行相应的分析,可以清楚地了解到网络上使用的各种协议。分析采集到的数据包,可以确定网络是否被类似端口扫描这样的攻击入侵;其次,使用网络应用程序时,有时会因为某些原因造成应用程序不能正常运行,这种情况下也可以使用采集到的数据包来分析,从而...

此文档由会员 ningxiang00 发布摘 要
关键词 以太网 TCP/IP协议 包捕获机制 包过滤机制
With the development at full speed of computer network technology, The network safety problem appears especially outstanding. Carrying out corresponding analysis by collecting the network data and to the person, Can know to arrive at the various agreement being put into use on the network clearly. Analysising collects the data bag arriving at, the attack being able to ascertain if network such is scanned by similar end invades; Secondly, the use of network applications, sometimes because of certain causes application from running, Under such circumstances it can use the data collected to analyze packets, thus infer a problem and the reasons for it; And besides, make use of data bag, can be clear knowing network loads entire network condition within each time intervals, being able to inquire into a place is that which one platform computer has brought about loads network overweight, have judged that the network is put into use such that being rational or not thereby. Outside several aspect talking about except all above, data bag analysis is still had other many use.
The analysising of TCP/IP data bag is comparatively difficult and inconvenient, First of all this analysis is based on a national agreement TCP/IP understanding of the above, Second, the structure of data packets must be well versed in. This paper introduced the composition of Ethernet from the structure and content, on the basis of agreement of TCP/IP analysis, did the research about data analysis software packages on Linux-based. Focus on the data packet analyzer design, programming and implementation. Finally, the software specific instructions have also done a simple explanation. At this point, provide a complete set of data packet analysis program.
KEY WORDS Aether net TCP/IP agreement
Capture mechanism of package Fliteration mechanism of package
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2 课题研究意义 1
1.3 国内外研究主要技术及状况对比 2
1.3.1 国内外研究主要技术 2
1.3.2 国内外研究状况对比 4
1.4 论文组织结构 5
第二章 以太网和TCP/IP 6
2.1 以太网的结构 6
2.1.1基于网络架构的以太网的定义 6
2.1.2 RFC894定义的以太帧 6
2.1.3 以太网上的数据交换 8
2.2 TCP/IP体系结构 9
2.2.1 TCP/IP协议族 9
2.2.2 TCP/IP协议族的优点 9
2.2.3 TCP/IP协议族的分层 9
2.2.4 TCP/IP协议组件 11
2.2.5 各层的协议分析 11
2.3 本章小节 12
第三章 TCP/IP数据包分析器设计原理和方案 13
3.1 TCP/IP数据包分析器设计原理 13
3.2 TCP/IP数据包分析器设计方案 18
3.2.1数据包分析器的系统架构 18
3.2.2 实现机制 20
3.3本章小节 21
第四章 TCP/IP数据包分析器设计过程 22
4.1包的捕获过程 22
4.2包的分析过程 22
4.3本章小节 25
第五章 TCP/IP数据包分析器实现 26
5.1 数据包捕获的实现 26
5.1.1创建套接字 26
5.1.2把网卡设置为混杂模式 26
5.1.3捕获数据包 27
5.1.4分析数据包 28
5.2数据包分析的实现 28
5.2.1 对以太帧的分析 28
5.2.2 对IP数据报的分析 29
5.2.3 对TCP/UDP数据报的分析 30
5.3 利用图示表示数据报流量随时间变化 32
5.4 对特定端口的观察 32
5.5 本章小节 33
第六章 网络数据采集的研究与应用 35
6.1 广播式以太网与交换式以太网 35
6.2 基于链表结构的网络数据动态采集 36
6.2.1 链表结构的设计 36
6.2.2 链表结构的测试 37
6.3本章小节 38
第七章 总结与展望 39
7.1总结 39
7.2展望 39
结束语 40
参考文献 41
附 录1 42