webcam人脸检测技术,webcam人脸检测技术全文19页 1.2万余字有完整的设计思路 和设计过程以及图示摘要人脸识别技术可以应用于基于网络的身份认证,我们实现了基于webcam的人脸识别与跟踪系统。本文以webcam采集的视频流为数据源,截取视频流中的单帧图像,通过转换色彩空间、人脸肤色建模、后处理操作和人脸定位算法实现了人脸检测,并以此...

原文档由会员 神七问天 发布
全文19页 1.2万余字 有完整的设计思路 和设计过程以及图示
Face recognition can be applied to identity authentication on Internet, now we have realized face recognition and tracking system based on WebCam. This essay takes video flowing collected from WebCam as data source, and cuts off Single frame in video flowing. It has realized face detection through transforming colored space, complexion modeling, aftertreatment and face orient algorithms, and based on which the essay has realized face tracking in video flowing.The result of the test shows that the face detection algorithms we......
目 录
摘要 2
关键词 2
Abstract 3
Keyword 3
1人脸检测的意义,国内外的情况综述 4
2 基于肤色的人脸定位 6
2.1彩色空间,以及彩色空间的转换 6
2.2人脸肤色模型,二值化 7
2.3后处理 9
2.4人脸区域的定位 10
3视频流 10
3.1 视频工具包Video for Windows 10
3.2视频流采集的实现 11
3.2.1 AVICap主要功能 11
3.2.2 视频采集算法 12
3.3视频流的显示 15
4试验数据与展望 17
4.1试验数据 17
4.2展望 17
参考文献 18
附录A 系统使用说明 18
[3] Ming-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja. Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002,VOL. 24, NO. 1
[4] Do-Joon Jung, Chang-Woo Lee, Yeon-Chul Lee, Sang-Yong Bak, Jong-Bae Kim, Hyun Kang, Hang-Joon Kim. PCA-Base Real-Time Face Detection and Tracking. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC'02), Jul, Phuket, Thailand, Jul. 16-19, 2002, Vol. 1, p.615-618
全文19页 1.2万余字 有完整的设计思路 和设计过程以及图示
Face recognition can be applied to identity authentication on Internet, now we have realized face recognition and tracking system based on WebCam. This essay takes video flowing collected from WebCam as data source, and cuts off Single frame in video flowing. It has realized face detection through transforming colored space, complexion modeling, aftertreatment and face orient algorithms, and based on which the essay has realized face tracking in video flowing.The result of the test shows that the face detection algorithms we......
目 录
摘要 2
关键词 2
Abstract 3
Keyword 3
1人脸检测的意义,国内外的情况综述 4
2 基于肤色的人脸定位 6
2.1彩色空间,以及彩色空间的转换 6
2.2人脸肤色模型,二值化 7
2.3后处理 9
2.4人脸区域的定位 10
3视频流 10
3.1 视频工具包Video for Windows 10
3.2视频流采集的实现 11
3.2.1 AVICap主要功能 11
3.2.2 视频采集算法 12
3.3视频流的显示 15
4试验数据与展望 17
4.1试验数据 17
4.2展望 17
参考文献 18
附录A 系统使用说明 18
[3] Ming-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja. Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002,VOL. 24, NO. 1
[4] Do-Joon Jung, Chang-Woo Lee, Yeon-Chul Lee, Sang-Yong Bak, Jong-Bae Kim, Hyun Kang, Hang-Joon Kim. PCA-Base Real-Time Face Detection and Tracking. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC'02), Jul, Phuket, Thailand, Jul. 16-19, 2002, Vol. 1, p.615-618