

便携式数控火焰切割机总体设计及执行机构设计[全套完整版],包括设计说明书,设计图纸和前期资料目 录1 引言11.1 数控火焰切割的发展11.2 设计目的22 总体方案设计32.1 主要技术参数32.2总体方案的分析与确定33 主要机械结构设计63.1 运动导轨73.2 纵向移动装置83.3 横梁组件113.4 割嘴和割炬133.5 支撑件153.6 轴承的选择和校核163.7...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 lihaiyou 发布


目   录

1  引言 1
1.1  数控火焰切割的发展 1
1.2  设计目的 2
2 总体方案设计 3
2.1 主要技术参数 3
2.2总体方案的分析与确定 3
3 主要机械结构设计 6
3.1 运动导轨 7
3.2 纵向移动装置 8
3.3 横梁组件 11
3.4 割嘴和割炬 13
3.5 支撑件 15
3.6 轴承的选择和校核 16
3.7 传动件 17
4 数控系统设计 17
4.1 数控系统方案的分析与确定 17
4.2 数控系统的硬件设计 19
4.3 数控系统的软件设计 21
4.4 零件加工程序设计 23
5 其它系统设计 25
5.1电气系统方案设计 25
5.2自动编程及排料软件方案设计 26
5.3 配气系统方案设计 27
6 提高设备性能的有关措施 27
6.1 保持平稳性,提高切割质量 27
6.2月与季度的维修保养  28
结 论  29
致 谢  30
参 考 文 献 32

毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要

关键词   火焰切割机  单片机  PLC  工控机  自动控制

毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要

Title   Then the hold type number controls the total design and the             
 Performance organization designs that the flame incises the machine            

Then the hold type number controls the flame to incise the machine to used for the black metals plank material's incise,Incise the thickness 2 millimeters of-50, Incise the track as any flat surface sketch constitute by the straight line arc. The equipments has the easy and convenient and ambulatory characteristics,The suitable for fluxion homework place. Equipments from move the device and count to control the device, mow the torch device and provide to annoy the system etc. constitute.
Article is simple to have introduced the hold type number controls the total design and the performance organization designs that the flame incises the machine. According to its craft characteristic and its technical requirement for automation control function, article have narrated the design of its basic structure, include: the lateral and longitudinal namely X and Y locomotive structural design and adjustment control design ;as well as the cutting torch design about its rise and adjustment control design . For the automatic control of wholly flame cutting procedutal , the Industrial personal computer is adopt to carry out these function forementioned , at the same time  drawn the  diagram. This system performance very well, working reliable,operating simple ,has raised labour productivity maximumly.

Key Words   Flame cutting machine; Single Chip Micyoco; PLC; Industrial personal computer ; Automatic  Control