

大型轴类零件形位误差测量仪的设计,包括设计说明书,设计图纸和前期资料毕业设计说明书中文摘要      本设计在论述机加工轴类零件测量技术对产品质量影响的基础上,阐明了公差测量技术的重要性及研制公差测量仪的重要意义。针对目前突出的大尺寸轴类零件形位误差检测问题,通过分析国内外圆度仪和圆柱度仪的研究现状,论证了开发大尺寸轴类零件形位误差测量仪的重要性及重要...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 lihaiyou 发布


   本设计在论述机加工轴类零件测量技术对产品质量影响的基础上,阐明了公差测量技术的重要性及研制公差测量仪的重要意义。针对目前突出的大尺寸轴类零件形位误差检测问题,通过分析国内外圆度仪和圆柱度仪的研究现状,论证了开发大尺寸轴类零件形位误差测量仪的重要性及重要意义 。



毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要

Title:Large shaft line bit error measurement instrument
  It is important to develop the instrument for measuring the form and location deviation of big mdimension shaft part by discussing the influence of measuring technique toproduct quality. In recent years it becomes more and more rigorous to shaft parts's hapeerror, especially to the big size shaft part. It is necessary and meaning to develop the instrument, which is verified by analyzing the present condition and the prospec of the roundness and the cylindricity domestic andabroad. It is acritical guarantee of products quality for workpieces with big dimension. In order to solve the problem that a n ew instrument is designed in this article.
  The integrated construction-project is firstly designed and illustratrated through analyzing character of the gauged axis with a big dimension. It is made up of PC、Single Chip、Stepping Motor、Supersonics Sensor and the Clamp Set. And then,each part is analyzed,selected and computed in detail.The designing for hardware and software is finished and the least square method for the calculation of roundness cylindricity is applied.
  It has been verified through the experiment that the transferred data from the Single Chip can be handled auto matically. The value for roundness cylindricity of the big size shaft part can be gained too.
  Keywords:the large size shaft part;Grating sensorr;oundness cylindricity;tolerance analysis


目  录

1  绪论 1
1.1轴类形位误差测量概述 1
1.2形位测量技术国内外的发展情况 2
1.3形位测量技术的发展趋势 3
1.4 本课题研究的目的意义 4
1.5 本课题的主要研究内容 4
2  测量仪的误差测量原理 5
2.1圆度误差的评定方法 5
2.2圆度误差的测量方法 7
3  测量仪的机械系统组成 8
3.1工作时间的分配 8
3.2横向进给机构设计 8
3.3横向支撑 11
3.4进给电机的选择 11
3.5减速器的选择 14
3.6进给丝杠的选择及校核 15
3.7轴承类型的选择 17
4  传感器的选择 19
5  测量仪控制电路设计 22
5.1 控制机的选择和外部电路设计 22
5.2单片机晶振电路 24
5.3单片机系统干扰来源 24
5.4系统监控复位电路 25
6  测量仪的驱动系统硬件设计 28
6.1步进电机的控制 28
6.2步进电机的输入信号接口及接口电路 28
6.3 PC机和单片机通信接口电路设计 30
6.4 系统电路总图 31
7   测量仪的控制系统软件设计 32
7.1 单片机控制程序设计 32
7.2数据的发送 32
7.3 数据的发送 33
7.4单片机程序设计 33
7.5 PC机控制程序设计 34
7.6 控制流程图 34
8   测量仪的安装、使用和维护 37
8.1测量仪的安装方法 37
8.2测量仪的使用注意事项 37
8.3测量仪的维护和调试 37
9   测量仪误差分析 38
结论 39
致谢 41
参考文献 42