在预防重新犯罪中矫治社会工作的作用,包括开题报告,任务书,中期报告,论文等全套完整毕业作品目 录摘要iiiabstractiv引言1一、 相关理论的概述2(一)矫治社会工作的涵义2(二)重新犯罪的界定2(三)矫治社会工作的工作理论21.新社会防卫论22.生理—心理学—社会三种维度互动理论33.社区矫治理论4二、 矫治社会...

原文档由会员 8008008 发布
目 录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
引言 1
一、 相关理论的概述 2
(一)矫治社会工作的涵义 2
(二)重新犯罪的界定 2
(三)矫治社会工作的工作理论 2
1.新社会防卫论 2
2.生理—心理学—社会三种维度互动理论 3
3.社区矫治理论 4
二、 矫治社会工作的价值理念 6
(一)“人道主义”思想 6
(二)无条件的接纳 6
(三)可塑性 7
(四)个别化 7
三、 矫治社会工作预防重新犯罪的作用 8
(一)生理维度—生活照顾和就业援助 8
1.提供监管辅导和一定的生活照顾 8
2.提供就业、就学信息咨询和帮助 9
(二)心理维度--提供心理咨询与辅导 10
1.面谈 10
2.诊断 10
3.辅导 10
(三)社会维度—建立良好的家庭关系,创造良好的社区环境 11
1.为刑释人员创造温馨舒适的家庭环境 11
2.为刑释人员提供良好的社区环境 12
四、 对完善矫治社会工作体系影响因素的分析和建议 14
(一)重视程度不高,专业偏见是影响矫治社会工作发展的主要因素 14
(二) 矫治社会专业人才缺乏,专业教育水平低 14
(三) 建立矫治社会工作制度和专业的矫治社会工作机构是矫治社会工作发展的重要途径 16
结论 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19
关键词 矫治社会工作 预防重新犯罪
Recriming is a complicated social and theoretical problem challenge every country in the world. The prevention of recriming is also an important issue during the period when our country aims to construct harmonious society and keep our society stable. The re-crime prevention is a long-term and complex project which is not only the specialty judicial officials' duty but also a work needs each part of society takes part in. The correctioncorrection social work is social welfare services focusing on the crime field specially. The intervention of correction social work can be better to prevent the re-crime. This paper, which based on the correction social work can prevent recriming as a new metho. The research discusses the topic from several aspects,such as the ideological education, psychological counseling, behavioral correction, information consultantion, employment training, life quality improving as well as social environment changing. Considering difficulties and problems correction social work in our country currently,, such as receiving little attention, specialized prejudice, lacking professional service and low level of professional education,, of the research attempts to build and perfect correction social work system,and aims to establish correction social work organizations. Finally, the author tries to find some effective ways to solve the present difficulties.
Key words: correction social work; recriming
目 录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
引言 1
一、 相关理论的概述 2
(一)矫治社会工作的涵义 2
(二)重新犯罪的界定 2
(三)矫治社会工作的工作理论 2
1.新社会防卫论 2
2.生理—心理学—社会三种维度互动理论 3
3.社区矫治理论 4
二、 矫治社会工作的价值理念 6
(一)“人道主义”思想 6
(二)无条件的接纳 6
(三)可塑性 7
(四)个别化 7
三、 矫治社会工作预防重新犯罪的作用 8
(一)生理维度—生活照顾和就业援助 8
1.提供监管辅导和一定的生活照顾 8
2.提供就业、就学信息咨询和帮助 9
(二)心理维度--提供心理咨询与辅导 10
1.面谈 10
2.诊断 10
3.辅导 10
(三)社会维度—建立良好的家庭关系,创造良好的社区环境 11
1.为刑释人员创造温馨舒适的家庭环境 11
2.为刑释人员提供良好的社区环境 12
四、 对完善矫治社会工作体系影响因素的分析和建议 14
(一)重视程度不高,专业偏见是影响矫治社会工作发展的主要因素 14
(二) 矫治社会专业人才缺乏,专业教育水平低 14
(三) 建立矫治社会工作制度和专业的矫治社会工作机构是矫治社会工作发展的重要途径 16
结论 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19
关键词 矫治社会工作 预防重新犯罪
Recriming is a complicated social and theoretical problem challenge every country in the world. The prevention of recriming is also an important issue during the period when our country aims to construct harmonious society and keep our society stable. The re-crime prevention is a long-term and complex project which is not only the specialty judicial officials' duty but also a work needs each part of society takes part in. The correctioncorrection social work is social welfare services focusing on the crime field specially. The intervention of correction social work can be better to prevent the re-crime. This paper, which based on the correction social work can prevent recriming as a new metho. The research discusses the topic from several aspects,such as the ideological education, psychological counseling, behavioral correction, information consultantion, employment training, life quality improving as well as social environment changing. Considering difficulties and problems correction social work in our country currently,, such as receiving little attention, specialized prejudice, lacking professional service and low level of professional education,, of the research attempts to build and perfect correction social work system,and aims to establish correction social work organizations. Finally, the author tries to find some effective ways to solve the present difficulties.
Key words: correction social work; recriming