copd稳定期吸入剂使用的临床药学服务研究,copd稳定期吸入剂使用的临床药学服务研究摘要:目的:研究临床药学服务对copd稳定期患者正确使用干粉吸入剂(dpi)的改进效果 方法:选取本院2013年1月至2013年4月期间68例使用dpi的copd稳定期患者进行dpi使用正确性的评分,分析其错误及不足之处并有针对性地进行一对一的使用教育,对通过临床药学服务后的患...
此文档由会员 woyaoshou 发布
摘要:目的:研究临床药学服务对COPD稳定期患者正确使用干粉吸入剂(DPI)的改进效果 方法:选取本院2013年1月至2013年4月期间68例使用DPI的COPD稳定期患者进行DPI使用正确性的评分,分析其错误及不足之处并有针对性地进行一对一的使用教育,对通过临床药学服务后的患者再次评分,对比教育前后所得分并分析得失分的影响因素、主要错误点及改善对策等。使用SPSS19.0统计软件对教育前后评分进行统计分析。 结果:对COPD稳定期患者进行指导前后的评分具有统计学意义,患者自主使用干粉吸入剂的正确率与文化程度具有相关性,教育后的接蔃@潭扔肽炅渚哂邢喙匦浴� 结论:临床药学服务可提高COPD稳定期患者使用干粉吸入剂的正确率,能提高吸入剂使用后的疗效且具有一定的经济学意义。
Study on clinical pharmacy services in stable phase of COPD inhalant use
Abstract Objective: To study the improving effect on clinical pharmacy service about the patients who use dry powder inhaler properly in stable phase of COPD .Method: to choose 68 stable patients in stable phase of COPD who use DPI in our hospital from January to April in 2013 and then eva luate it, analyze the errors and inadequacies, and give them targeted one-to-one guidance.Next, grate the patients again after being accepted the clinical pharmacy services, and compare the scores with before and after the guidance and analyze the factors of scorred points or lost point. Use SPSS19.0 statistical software to count and analyze the scores before and after the guidance. Results: The scores for stable phase of COPD patients has statistical value.The accuracy of the patients if use dry powder inhaler independently is related to their education level , and their ability to accept guidance is related to age. Conclusion: The clinical pharmacy services can improve the correct rate and the efficacy of using dry powder inhaler for stable phase of COPD patients after the clinical pharmacy service .besides, it has a certain sense of economics.
Keywords:Stable COPD;DPI;Pharmacy Services
摘要:目的:研究临床药学服务对COPD稳定期患者正确使用干粉吸入剂(DPI)的改进效果 方法:选取本院2013年1月至2013年4月期间68例使用DPI的COPD稳定期患者进行DPI使用正确性的评分,分析其错误及不足之处并有针对性地进行一对一的使用教育,对通过临床药学服务后的患者再次评分,对比教育前后所得分并分析得失分的影响因素、主要错误点及改善对策等。使用SPSS19.0统计软件对教育前后评分进行统计分析。 结果:对COPD稳定期患者进行指导前后的评分具有统计学意义,患者自主使用干粉吸入剂的正确率与文化程度具有相关性,教育后的接蔃@潭扔肽炅渚哂邢喙匦浴� 结论:临床药学服务可提高COPD稳定期患者使用干粉吸入剂的正确率,能提高吸入剂使用后的疗效且具有一定的经济学意义。
Study on clinical pharmacy services in stable phase of COPD inhalant use
Abstract Objective: To study the improving effect on clinical pharmacy service about the patients who use dry powder inhaler properly in stable phase of COPD .Method: to choose 68 stable patients in stable phase of COPD who use DPI in our hospital from January to April in 2013 and then eva luate it, analyze the errors and inadequacies, and give them targeted one-to-one guidance.Next, grate the patients again after being accepted the clinical pharmacy services, and compare the scores with before and after the guidance and analyze the factors of scorred points or lost point. Use SPSS19.0 statistical software to count and analyze the scores before and after the guidance. Results: The scores for stable phase of COPD patients has statistical value.The accuracy of the patients if use dry powder inhaler independently is related to their education level , and their ability to accept guidance is related to age. Conclusion: The clinical pharmacy services can improve the correct rate and the efficacy of using dry powder inhaler for stable phase of COPD patients after the clinical pharmacy service .besides, it has a certain sense of economics.
Keywords:Stable COPD;DPI;Pharmacy Services
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