我国c2c网站顾客忠诚度的实证研究,我国c2c网站顾客忠诚度的实证研究 内 容 摘 要 随着网络的不断普及,软硬件设施的逐步完善,以及互联网用户数量的不断增加和互联网用户对网上购物逐渐接受和认可,国内电子商务市场规模正在不断扩大。 电子商务市场的竞争就是争取顾客的竞争,争取和保持顾客忠诚是网络环境下企业生存和发展的根本。因此,网络经济时代,培育购物...

此文档由会员 简单xy 发布我国C2C网站顾客忠诚度的实证研究
内 容 摘 要
As the networks continue to spread, the gradual improvement of software and hardware facilities, as well as the increasing number of Internet users and the gradually acceptation and reorganization by them, the domestic e-commerce market is expanding.
In E-commerce market, the really competition is the competition for customers. Enterprise survival and development of the fundamental is based on gaining a maintaining customer loyalty. Therefore,in the Network Economy, fostering customer loyalty of e-commerce is very important.
View of research status of the customer loyalty in E-commerce sites at home and abroad and combined with the characteristics of C2C website, customer loyalty-driven model in C2C website was built in order to design the questionnaire. Using SPSS software as tools to deal with Statistical data, I can make regression analysis between various factors and attitudes and behavior E-loyalty and obtain the significant positive factors in order to put forward some practical strategies, which is hopeful to the development of C2C website in China.
KEYWORDS: E-Commerce, C2C, E-loyalty, Factors, Empirical Analysis
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 选题背景及意义 1
第二节 研究的思路与框架 3
第三节 研究的创新点 4
第二章 我国电子商务市场现状分析 5
第一节 我国电子商务市场的发展现状 5
第二节 C2C商务平台的特性 7
第三节 我国网购用户特征分析 8
第三章 理论基础 10
第一节 顾客忠诚理论 10
第二节 电子商务网站顾客忠诚理论 15
第四章 我国C2C网站顾客忠诚度的实证分析 18
第一节 我国C2C网站顾客忠诚度理论假设及模型构建 18
第二节 我国C2C网站顾忠诚度的实证分析 22
第五章 我国C2C网站顾客忠诚度的培养策略 30
第一节 淘宝网保持顾客忠诚的成功策略 30
第二节 研究结果启示—我国C2C网站顾客忠诚培养策略 31
第三节 研究展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附录 我国C2C网站顾客忠诚度调查问卷 36