毕业论文哥伦比亚考卡盆地重磁场特征研究part1,由于容量较大,故分卷压缩,望见谅,本资料共两部分,此份为第一部分!第二部分下载网址:http://www.queshao.com/docs/312090/摘 要 考卡盆地位于哥伦比亚西部中、西科迪勒拉山脉之间,为一新生代盆地。该盆地处在南美板块北部西缘与纳兹卡板块碰撞带之上,区域构造复杂,盆地受考卡断裂体系和罗梅拉...

原文档由会员 丝竹睛明 发布
摘 要
关键词:哥伦比亚 考卡盆地 重磁资料处理 地质解释
The cenozoic Cauca Basin lies between the Central Cordillera to the east and the Western Cordillera to the west. The basin was developed by collision of Nazca Plate against the irregular continental margin of the northwestern part of South America Plate.The regional structure is complex.The Cauca Basin is controled by the Cauca fault system and Romeral fault system, distributed along the NNE direction. To research the basic geology, structural feature, eva luate hydrocarbon resources potential of this basin, can provide the basic oil and gas geological information for the basin, and have great significance for overseas oil and gas exploration.
By processing the gravity and magnetic data of Cauca Basin, acquired the upward and downward continuation maps, derivative anomaly maps and horizontal total gradient maps. The gravity and magnetic anomaly are described and interpreted. Comprehensive study of gravity and magnetic data is discussed combined with geological data on the basin. Then deduced the fault structure system of the study area. According the Parker process to obtained the basement depth, delineation of the local anomaly, predicted a favorable area for oil and gas of Cauca Basin. The main results and conclusions obtained are as follows:
(1)The fault structure are highly developed in this area and the main trend is NE-NNE, which is the boundary of the structural units. The minor fault is nearly NS or EW trend, as a secondary fault of the main fault.
(2)The basement surface have a large heave and set, this heave and set reflects the overlying sedimentary strata have two depocenter, one is located at east of Zarzal and the depth is about 2400m, the other is located at southeast of Cali and the depth is about 2600m.
(3)The gravity high and gravity low developed in this area, they reflects the local geological conditions in the sedimentary strata. The magnetic body developed in the study area, the distribution of them and surface outcrops intrusive rocks, ophiolite and volcanic pile has a good correspondence.
(4)The research suggests that the sedimentary formation have a large thickness in depressed area of Cauca Basin and have good source-reservoir-seal associations, especially the local uplift in the depression structure. They are the favorable point position for hydrocarbon accumulate and the favorable area for oil and gas exploration.
Key words: Colombia Cauca Basin Gravity and Magnetic data Processing Geological Interpretation
Thesis: Application Fundamental Study
目 录
第一章 绪言 1
1.1 选题背景、意义及课题来源 1
1.2 研究内容及技术路线 1
1.3 完成的工作量及主要成果 2
1.3.1 资料的整理及翻译 2
1.3.2 地质-地球物理资料的收集和预处理 3
1.3.3 重磁资料的处理解释 3
1.3.4 取得的主要成果 3
第二章 研究区概况 4
2.1 自然地理概况 4
2.2 国内外研究现状 5
2.3 区域构造及地质特征 6
2.3.1 区域构造特征 6
2.3.2 区域地质背景 8
2.3.3 研究区地质背景 10
第三章 重磁资料处理解释方法技术 12
3.1 重磁资料情况 12
3.2 资料处理方法技术 12
3.2.1 资料预处理 13
3.2.2 重磁资料常规处理 13
3.2.3 密度界面的正反演 15
3.3 资料处理解释流程 16
3.3.1 重磁力场地质解释 16
3.3.2 断裂构造划分 17
3.3.3 重力剖面拟合地质解释 17
3.3.4 密度界面反演计算 18
3.3.5 局部重磁异常推断解释 18
3.3.6 油气预测 18
第四章 重磁力场特征 19
4.1 重力场特征 19
4.2 磁力场特征 23
第五章 综合研究 28
5.1 综合研究的基本思路 28
5.1.1 有利条件 28
5.1.2 不利因素 28
5.2 研究区断裂构造 28
5.3 典型地质-地球物理剖面拟合 34
5.4 基底界面特征 36
5.5 构造区划 37
5.6 局部异常特征 39
5.7 磁性体分布 40
5.8 油气有利区预测 42
5.8.1 生储盖组合 42
5.8.2 有利区预测 42
第六章 结论与存在问题 45
6.1 结论 45
6.2 存在问题 45
致 谢 47
参考文献 48
附录 50