毕业论文大白杨沟煤矿高密度电法资料处理解释,大白杨沟煤矿高密度电法资料处理解释摘 要:近年来,虽然国家十分重视煤矿水害防治工作,煤矿也加大了治理力度,但是煤矿突水事故频繁,造成人员伤亡量大,煤矿水害的防治成为重点。 大白杨沟煤矿位于玛纳斯地区,地处天山北麓,矿区有三条地表溪流,且矿区地层发育有裂隙带,为防止煤矿在生产过程中因裂隙带导通地表水而发生突水事故,特...

此文档由会员 丝竹睛明 发布大白杨沟煤矿高密度电法资料处理解释
摘 要:近年来,虽然国家十分重视煤矿水害防治工作,煤矿也加大了治理力度,但是煤矿突水事故频繁,造成人员伤亡量大,煤矿水害的防治成为重点。
The processing and interpretation of high-density resistivity data for the coal mine in the Da Baiyang Gou area
Abstract:In recent years,although the government attaches great importance to prevent and control the coal mine flood,and the coal mine also do more efforts to governance, the water inrush accidents still happened frequently and caused amount of deaths,So the most important thing is that how we prevent and control the inrush water.
The Da Baiyang coal mine is located in the Manas, and there are three runoffs in the ravine and many fractured zones developed in the strata.In order to identify the distribution of groundwater to prevent water inrush accidents in the production of coal mine, we implemented the high-density electrical exploration.
The resistivity value of rocks is relatively high when it is dense, but when water-rich area, water-filled cracks,moisture content constructor, fracture zone by the faults filled with moisture content are in the rocks, the conductivity of rocks will be enhanced significantly and the resistivity value of rocks will be reduced. The difference of resistivity of aquifer and its surrounding medium is obvious, the resistivity of water-rich area will be low apparently. It will prove the groundwater by selecting high-density resistivity method according to the characteristics of groundwater distribution in Manas region and the obvious difference of resistivity of aquifer and its surrounding medium.
The high-density resistivity data can reflect the horizontal changes of resistivity of the moisture content constructor in a depth, and provide the longitudinal changes of its resistivity,so,wo can use it to speculate the groundwater characteristics of the distribution simply,accurately and comprehensively.
By processing the data we sampled in these exploration, we Completed these exploration work ,which found that the changes of thickness of losses bed and the characteristic of water-rich stratum.It indicated the high-density electrical aspects of hydrogeology in the detection of mines is feasible and effective,and for the mine to prevent flooding,the basis for safety is provided.
Keywords:Da Baiyang Gou area;coal mine flooding; high density resistivity method; groundwater characteristics
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 大白杨沟地质工作 2
1.2.2 高密度电法发展概况 3
1.2.3 高密度电法应用领域 4
1.3 研究内容、研究方法及完成工作量 5
1.3.1 研究内容 5
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.3.3 完成工作量 6
第二章 地质及地球物理特征 7
2.1 地质背景 7
2.1.1 区域地质背景 7
2.1.2 构造 8
2.1.3 地层[24] 8
2.2 水文地质特征[25] 10
2.2.1 含水层类型、埋藏及分布特征 10
2.2.2 地下水补给、径流、排泄条件 11
2.3 地球物理特征 11
第三章 高密度电法野外工作方法技术 13
3.1 地质任务 13
3.2 方法选择 13
3.3 高密度电阻率法基本原理及特点 13
3.3.1 基本原理 13
3.3.2 方法特点 14
3.4 排列装置 15
3.5 测量方式 18
3.6 探测仪器及野外工作 20
3.6.1 探测仪器 20
3.6.2 野外工作 21
3.7 电阻率曲线的反演 22
第四章 高密度电法资料处理与解释 23
4.1 资料处理 23
4.2 资料解释 23
4.2.1 松散层界面 23
4.2.2 测区富水性 29
4.2.3 地下水分布规律及特征 30
结 论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 36
附录 37