某一级公路40m预应力混凝土简支箱形梁桥设计,摘 要 毕业设计主要是关于小跨度预应力混凝土简支箱梁桥上部结构的设计。预应力混凝土简支箱梁桥以结构受力性能好、变形小、行车平顺舒适、养护工程量小、抗震能力强等而成为最富有竞争力的主要桥型之一。受时间和个人能力的限制,本次毕业设计没有具体涉及到下部结构。 设计桥梁标准...
此文档由会员 玉狼双夕高峰 发布
摘 要
首先,确定主梁主要构造及细部尺寸,它必须与桥梁的规定和施工保持一致,考虑到抗弯刚度及抗扭刚度的影响,设计采用箱形梁。顶板厚度沿全桥不变为0.18m, 底板厚度在跨中为0.18m,端部为0.25m。
Graduation is mainly on small-span prestressed concrete box girder bridge structure design.Prestressed concrete box girder bridge with good mechanical properties of the structure, deformation is small, the driving comfort comfortable, a small amount of maintenance engineering, seismic and strong ability to become the most competitive one of the main bridge.And personal capacity by the time constraints, this graduation design is not specifically related to the lower part of the structure.
symmetrical Span bridge design standards for the 40m, transverse standard span bridge four pieces,bridge the width of 13m, design for three lanes lane number.symmetrical balance pouring concrete. Design process is as follows:
First, the beams of the main structure and the size, it must correspond with the provisions of the bridge and working together to resist and stiffness and to turn the stiffness of the design adopts the box girder. The thickness of the whole bridge is 0.18 m, floor thickness in the cross for 0.18 m, ends for 0.25 m.
The second step is to analyze internal gross force of the structures (including dead load and lived load), the internal force composition can be done by using the compute results. According to the internal force composited, the eva luated amount of longitudinal tendons can be worked out, then we can distribute the tendons to the bridge.
Again, after the calculation of the law of the stages in prestressed.
The last steps is checking the main cross section. the work includes the load-caring capacity ultimate state and the normal service ability ultimate state as well as the main section,s being out of shape. Prestressed and uses the stage of the beam intensity of the sectional and other addend, fixing the local strength and the addend elements.
This design is all a design drawing a computer-aided designing draw up documents, typesetting, a computer and print out the papers .
Key Words
Prestressed concrete box girder bridge;prestress loss; Construction scheme
目 录
摘 要 1
第一部分 预应力混凝土箱形梁桥设计 1
一、工程概况 1
二、方案比选 1
1.桥梁设计原则 1
2.各种桥梁的特点 2
3.方案比选 3
4.梁部截面形式比选 4
三、设计基本资料 4
1.孔跨布置(5孔40m) 4
2.技术标准 5
3.主要材料 5
4.设计依据 5
四、箱形梁构造形式及相关设计参数 5
五、主梁作用效应计算 7
1.永久作用效应计算 7
2.可变作用效应计算 9
3.主梁作用效应组合 16
六、预应力钢束估算及其布置 17
1.预应力钢筋数量的估算 17
2.预应力钢束布置 18
七、计算主梁截面几何特性 22
1.截面面积及惯性矩计算 22
2.截面净距计算 24
3.截面积和特性总表 29
八、预应力损失计算 30
1.预应力钢束与管道壁之间的摩擦引起的预应力损失 31
2.由锚具变形、钢束回缩引起的预应力损失 31
3.混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失 32
4.由钢束应力松弛引起的预应力损失 35
5.混凝土收缩和徐变引起的的预应力损失 36
6.成桥后四分点截面由张拉钢束产生的预加力作用效应计算: 38
7.预应力损失汇总及预加力计算 40
九、承载能力极限状态计算 42
1.跨中截面正截面计算 42
2.验算最小配筋率(跨中截面) 44
3.斜截面承载力验算 44
十、持久状况正常使用极限状态抗裂验算 47
1.正截面抗裂验算 47
2.斜截面抗裂验算 48
十一、持久状况构件的应力验算 52
1.正截面混凝土压应力验算 52
2.预应力筋拉应力验算 53
3.斜截面混凝土主压应力验算 54
十二、短暂状况构件的应力验算 58
1.预加应力阶段的应力验算 58
2.吊装应力验算 59
十三、主梁端部的局部承压计算 60
1.局部承压区的截面尺寸验算 60
2.局部抗压承载力验算 61
十四、主梁变形验算 63
1.计算由预加力引起的跨中反拱度 63
2.计算由荷载引起的跨中挠度 65
3.结构刚度验算 65
4.预拱度的设置 65
第二部分 预应力混凝土简支箱梁施工方案设计 66
一、工程概况: 66
二、编制依据 66
三、桥梁主要部位施工方案 66
1.钻孔灌注桩施工 66
2.预应力简支箱梁施工 74
3.墩台施工工艺 76
4.盖梁施工工艺 78
5.桥梁安装施工工艺 78
6.桥面系施工工艺 79
四、质量保证体系和质量管理制度 79
1.质量保证体系 79
2.质量管理制度 80
五、安全目标和安全保证措施 82
1.安全目标 82
2.安全保证措施 82
六、环境保护体系和环境保护措施 83
1.环境保护体系 83
2.环境保护措施 84
致 谢 87
参考文献: 88
Causes and control measures of concrete cracks study the problem 89