浅议basel新协议资本金计算方法,浅议basel新协议资本金计算方法1.2万字 11页摘要今年年初basel委员会公布了新资本协议草案,其核心内容是提出了根据信用状况确定资本金的标准法和基于内部评级方法。新协议的实施将对全球银行业信用风险管理产生深远影响。本文对新协议中资本金的计算方法进行了详细的介绍和分析,着重讨论了新协议对我国银行业的影响以及我国实...
此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
1.2万字 11页
摘要 今年年初Basel委员会公布了新资本协议草案,其核心内容是提出了根据信用状况确定资本金的标准法和基于内部评级方法。新协议的实施将对全球银行业信用风险管理产生深远影响。本文对新协议中资本金的计算方法进行了详细的介绍和分析,着重讨论了新协议对我国银行业的影响以及我国实施新协议可能遇到的困难和需要解决的问题。
关键词 Basel协议 资本金 标准法 基于内部评级方法
Review on Computation Methods of Capital Requirement in New Basel Accord
Abstract At the beginning of this year, Basel committee published its new draft version of capital accord. The key points in the draft version are the Standardized Approach and the Internal Ratings-Based Approach to calculate the capital requirement. Implementing the new accord will have a long effect on credit management in the world. .....
Keywords Basel accord, capital requirement, standardized approach, internal ratings-based approach
1 引言
1.2万字 11页
摘要 今年年初Basel委员会公布了新资本协议草案,其核心内容是提出了根据信用状况确定资本金的标准法和基于内部评级方法。新协议的实施将对全球银行业信用风险管理产生深远影响。本文对新协议中资本金的计算方法进行了详细的介绍和分析,着重讨论了新协议对我国银行业的影响以及我国实施新协议可能遇到的困难和需要解决的问题。
关键词 Basel协议 资本金 标准法 基于内部评级方法
Review on Computation Methods of Capital Requirement in New Basel Accord
Abstract At the beginning of this year, Basel committee published its new draft version of capital accord. The key points in the draft version are the Standardized Approach and the Internal Ratings-Based Approach to calculate the capital requirement. Implementing the new accord will have a long effect on credit management in the world. .....
Keywords Basel accord, capital requirement, standardized approach, internal ratings-based approach
1 引言