股权结构与公司治理研究,1.1万字 9页摘要作者认为,公司治理之所以形成不同模式,一个很重要的因素是股权结构不同,不同的股东构成、股权集中程度、以及大股东身份,导致股东行使权力的方式和效果有较大的区别,进而对公司治理模式的形成、运作及绩效有较大影响,而股权结构又在很大程度上受一国资本市场管制方式和对中小投资者的法律保护程...
此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
1.1万字 9页
摘要 作者认为,公司治理之所以形成不同模式,一个很重要的因素是股权结构不同,不同的股东构成、股权集中程度、以及大股东身份,导致股东行使权力的方式和效果有较大的区别,进而对公司治理模式的形成、运作及绩效有较大影响,而股权结构又在很大程度上受一国资本市场管制方式和对中小投资者的法律保护程度的影响,是一个被管制环境所规定的内生变量,要改变股权结构,就必须改变其所依赖的外部环境。
关键词 股权结构 资本市场管制 公司治理绩效
Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance
Abstract The major reason that we have different corporate governance model lie in the different model of ownership structure. With the difference in the concentration of stock, large share-holder, and constitution of share-holder, we have the difference of the way and effect that share-holder controlling the corporation, which affect the formation, performance, and effect of corporate governance model greatly. However, ownership structure of corporation has strong path-dependence on the history, culture, especially on the regulation of capital market of one country. .....
Keywords Ownership Structure Regulation of Capital Market Corporate Governance
1 引言
1.1万字 9页
摘要 作者认为,公司治理之所以形成不同模式,一个很重要的因素是股权结构不同,不同的股东构成、股权集中程度、以及大股东身份,导致股东行使权力的方式和效果有较大的区别,进而对公司治理模式的形成、运作及绩效有较大影响,而股权结构又在很大程度上受一国资本市场管制方式和对中小投资者的法律保护程度的影响,是一个被管制环境所规定的内生变量,要改变股权结构,就必须改变其所依赖的外部环境。
关键词 股权结构 资本市场管制 公司治理绩效
Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance
Abstract The major reason that we have different corporate governance model lie in the different model of ownership structure. With the difference in the concentration of stock, large share-holder, and constitution of share-holder, we have the difference of the way and effect that share-holder controlling the corporation, which affect the formation, performance, and effect of corporate governance model greatly. However, ownership structure of corporation has strong path-dependence on the history, culture, especially on the regulation of capital market of one country. .....
Keywords Ownership Structure Regulation of Capital Market Corporate Governance
1 引言