

翻译中的字词选择,words and phrases in trademark translation5.5万字27页论文+开题abstracta trademark is a brand identification for a product or service and it can be written text...
分类: 论文>英语论文



原文档由会员 刘丽 发布

Words and Phrases in Trademark Translation
5.5万字 27页


A trademark is a brand identification for a product or service and it can be written text, text in particular stylized form or a graphic symbol or company names and so on. As everybody knows, a trademark of a product is like a person’s name. According to a report, there are more than two million English trademarks in the world. A good trademark can help a company to set up a famous brand easily, and a trademark is also an important incorporeal for a company. Developed countries have mature markets and law systems, companies can design their products’ market selling strategy reasoningly. At the same time, pay more attention to trademark translation. Today, international trade is growing rapidly and becomes a major power for promoting every country’s economy. As a result, trademark becomes more and more important in international trade. In order to make a successful international trade, the first step is to make an appropriate trademark translation from one language to another. In the process of translation, we should not only have to retain the original meaning, but also pay attention ......

摘 要




1. Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------1
2. Theories of translation--------------------------------------------------------2
2.1 Definition of translation-----------------------------------------------------2
2.2 Theories of translation-------------------------------------------------------3
3. Definition of trademark translation------------------------------------------6
3.1 Definition of trademark------------------------------------------------------6
3.2 Some views about trademark translation----------------------------------7
4. Different methods of trademark translation---------------------------------8
4.1 Literal translation-------------------------------------------------------------8
4.2 Transliteration-----------------------------------------------------------------9
4.3 Free translation--------------------------------------------------------------10
4.4 Transliteration combined with free translation--------------------------12
5. Analysis of cultural factors in trademark translation --------------------12
6. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------19

[1] Liuhong. Elementary Discussion on Translation Method of Trademark in Business English [M]. Shengyang: Journal of Shengyang Institude of Engineering, 2005.
[2] 陈宏薇. 《汉英翻译基础》[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 2003.