长沙市农民工媒介消费---研究生论文,摘 要 作为伴随工业化、城镇化而逐步发展壮大起来的农民工,目前已成为我国最为庞大的新型劳动力大军。由于农民工处于城市社会低层,不仅政治、经济和文化地位较低,而且缺少应有的传播权、知情权以及传媒接近权。因此如何保障农民工媒介消费水平,让他们共享社会传播资源,体现社会公平与正义,从而促进社会的稳定与和谐发展,是目前我们...
此文档由会员 chengxuebing8 发布
摘 要
The migrant rural worker in urban areas,of which the number increased in line with the industrialization and urbanization ,has currently become the new type of labor force with the largest scale in our country.It is because of their low social、 economic and cultural status,the migrant rural worker in urban area is lack the right of both communication and accession to nessesory information. Hence,we are now facing a harsh and realistic problem of how to secure the consumption level of them in order to enable them to share the public press resources and embody social equity and justice,promote social stability and harmonious development .
This article adapted the research means that combines questionare survey and extensive interview.Our investigation picked 100 migrant rural workers from five regions of Changsha,Furong region,Kaifu region,Yuelu region,Tianxin region and Yuhua region,the investigation includes the survey to the frequency of their media consumptionm, what media they choose,how long and what time they have media consumption,how to interact with the media ,and what about their eva luation to the media,We have known what are their major media consumption problems and their situation which they are facing now from our suvery and analyse.It includes their contingency of media consumption,low frequency of accession to media,the media consumption structure is not equitable,the supply and demanding of media products is inbalance,the migrant rural workers in urban areas have trust crisis with the media organization and so on.Based on this situation,We got the major reasons of the migrant rural workers in urban areas’s media consumption problems and raised some appropriate countermeasures.The major problem of the migrant rural worker in urban areas is the unperfect function of the government and the media organization; and restriced by education and economic background of the migrant rural worker in urban areas themselves,and the resolution includes,enhance the government’s policy making,improve the social guarantee system and the the migrant rural workers in urban areas’s cultivate system, standardize the media literacy ,reinforce the economic support by government,establish the culture centre ,public library ,free cenima and public media consumption places for the migrant rural workers in urban areas,satisfy their need for kinds of information,enhance the media worker’s professor literacy,and have the dispose of media resource rationally.
Key words: The Migrant Rural Worker in Changsha Urban Area; Media Consumption; Questionare Survey; the Function of Government;the Media’s Dissemination to the Migrant Rural Worker ; Media Literacy
目 录
学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 录 V
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1
1.2相关文献综述 2
1.2.1 媒介消费的内涵 2
1.2.2 国外媒介消费研究现状 4
1.2.3 国内媒介消费现状的研究 4
1.3 研究方法与研究内容 10
1.3.1 研究方法 10
1.3.2 内容框架 10
第2章 长沙市农民工的媒介消费状况 11
2.1 调查样本的选择与数据处理 11
2.2长沙市农民工的媒介消费现状 11
2.2.1农民工媒介消费频率 12
2.2.2 农民工的媒介消费渠道 13
2.2.3农民工媒介消费内容与偏好 16
2.2.4 农民工媒介消费动机 18
2.2.5 农民工媒介消费时长与时段 18
2.2.6 农民工的媒介消费场所 19
2.2.7 农民工媒介互动 20
2.2.8 农民工对媒介的评价 20
第3章 长沙市农民工的媒介消费存在的问题及成因 22
3.1农民工媒介消费中的问题 22
3.1.1 农民工媒介消费时长和时段不确定 22
3.1.2 农民工媒介接触频率低 23
3.1.3 农民工媒介消费结构不合理 23
3.1.4 农民工与媒介之间存在信任危机 23
3.1.5 农民工媒介消费需求未能得到充分满足 25
3.2 农民工媒介消费存在问题的成因 25
3.2.1 政府媒介职能缺失 25
3.2.2农民工媒介话语权缺失 26
3.2.3 农民工自身条件的制约 29
第4章 解决农民工媒介消费存在问题的对策 36
4.1 解决农民工媒介消费存在问题的意义 36
4.1.1 有利于农民工媒介素养的培育 36
4.1.2 有利于农民工政治地位的提高 37
4.1.3 有利于农民工经济地位的提高 38
4.1.4 有利于和谐社会目标的实现 39
4.1.5 有利于大众媒介系统的完善 39
4.2 解决农民工媒介消费存在问题的对策 40
4.2.1 政府扶持 40
4.2.2 媒介职能的完善 43
4.2.3 农民工媒介素养教育体系的建立 46
结 论 49
参考文献 51
致 谢 54
附录A 攻读硕士学位期间所发表的学术论文目录 55
附录B 长沙市外来务工人员媒介消费调查问卷 56
附录C 长沙市外来务工人员媒介消费深度访谈提纲 61
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