

毕业论文_中国平安保险公司激励机制的现状与对策,目录中文摘要1abstract2第一章 引言21.1 问题的提出和论文研究的意义21.2 研究思路和内容2第二章 企业管理中的激励机制32.1 激励和激励机制的概念32.2 激励与激励机制对企业的重要性32.3 现代企业管理中激励机制的现状4第三章 中国平安保险公司激励机制的运行特点73.1 中国平安保险公司简介73....
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 chaoranxox 发布

中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章    引言 2
1.1 问题的提出和论文研究的意义 2
1.2 研究思路和内容 2
第二章    企业管理中的激励机制 3
2.1 激励和激励机制的概念 3
2.2 激励与激励机制对企业的重要性 3
2.3 现代企业管理中激励机制的现状 4
第三章    中国平安保险公司激励机制的运行特点 7
3.1 中国平安保险公司简介 7
3.2 中国平安保险公司激励机制的运行特点 7
第四章  中国平安保险公司激励机制所存在的问题及相应的对策 11
4.1 中国平安保险公司激励机制所存在的问题 11
4.2构建中国平安完善激励机制的对策 12
结束语 14
参考文献 15
致谢语 16



The current situation and countermeasures
of incentive mechanisms in Ping an
   In modern society, as the strategic business resources, human resources play an important role in enterprises for its success or failure. The incentive is an important method for management of human resources and it has been adopted by more and more enterprises. This article has a brief description about incentive; represent the importance of incentives and the current situation of incentive mechanisms in China. And base on the example of China Ping An Insurance Company analyzes its operating characteristics and current problems, propose corresponding countermeasures to improve the incentive mechanism. The literature is finished with through searching books, browsing online, internship in the enterprises to collect information, and using information about management, human resource management, enterprise management, and other related knowledge.
 Key words: incentive; incentive mechanism; staff; countermeasure