
eva在商业银行中的应用研究,会计毕业论文,个人原创作品,缺少网独家上传eva在商业银行中的应用研究摘 要 在国内,随着商业银行公司治理结构的日益完善,企业价值最大化这个经营管理目标己经成为股东和银行管理者的共识。而如何科学地评价商业银行经营业绩,是摆在股东和银行管理者面前的一大难题。文章以eva作为切入点,结合银行业的具体行业特征,来探讨国内商业...

此文档由会员 chaoranxox 发布
摘 要
Based on the eva luation of the Performance of EVA Commercial Banks
As corporate governance of commercial banks is increasingly perfect, the maximization of enterprise value has become shareholders and regulators consensus. Nevertheless, how to scientifically eva luate the commercial banks operating performance is a difficult problem for enterprise stakeholders. But with social and economic conditions change, these indicators increasingly were widely criticized. Because the common defects in these indicators is without complete consideration of the enterprise's rights. It is easy to cause the company cost of capital, increasing their risk and blind decision problems. In the new economic environment, the current accounting index has been increasingly useless. In order to improve the competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks, the enterprise must add new performance index and the means of financial management to the original performance eva luation system for better scientific assessing the businesses' value, and improving banks operating managers and owners interests inconsistent. It not only benefits commercial banks capital allocation performance appraisal, but also greatly promote the development and the value of the commercial banks in China.
Key words: banking; performance eva luation; economic value added
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 I
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究目的 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容及方法 2
1.3.1 研究内容 2
1.3.2 研究方法 2
2 EVA及业绩评价基本理论 3
2.1 业绩评价的概述 3
2.1.1 业绩的含义 3
2.1.2 业绩评价的含义 3
2.2 EVA的定义 3
2.3 EVA的一般公式 4
3 基于EVA的业绩评价在商业银行中的实施 5
3.1 EVA在商业银行的实施环境分析 5
3.1.1 商业银行经营状况分析 5
3.1.2 商业银行发展情况分析 5
3.2 引入EVA的优势分析 5
3.3 商业银行EVA评价的实施过程 6
3.3.1 商业银行税后经营净利润的确定 6
3.3.2 商业银行资本成本的确定 8
3.3.4 商业银行EVA的计算公式 9
4 农业银行的案例分析 10
4.1 案例背景 10
4.2 案例分析 10
4.3 案例启示 12
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15