xx电子厂安全现状分析及改进,xx电子厂安全现状分析及改进摘 要 电子制造业是职业病高发行业。随着我国电子制造业的迅速发展,严重危害劳动者生命与健康的职业病也迅速蔓延。电子制造业存在大量的职业危害因素,其中包括——有毒化学品、粉尘、焊接烟雾、噪音、辐射等,而且大部分工厂没有提供有效的职业安全保护及培训,工人的安全意识差,许多人身受其害却不知道。...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布XX电子厂安全现状分析及改进
摘 要
Electronic manufacturing industry is the industry occupation disease. With the rapid development of electronic manufacturing industry in our country, seriously endangering the life and health of workers occupation disease is spreading quickly. Occupation hazards in the presence of large electronic manufacturing industry, including -- toxic chemicals, dust, welding fumes, noise, radiation, and most of the factory does not provide effective occupation safety and training, worker safety awareness is poor, many people suffer but don't know. Electronic manufacturing industry occupation harm violations, not only to the injured workers and their families bring serious trauma, also bring to the society unstable factors. How to ensure that the electronic manufacturing industry practitioners of the physical and mental health, has become the problem of brook no delay. This paper first analysis of the current situation of safety management of domestic electronic manufacturing industry, and made a concrete analysis of the Delta Electronics Factory, in view of the existing Delta Electronics Factory fire facilities, the level of safety management, management of chemicals and occupation disease protection of these three aspects of the problem, put forward the corresponding rectification measures and suggestions. In this paper, by using the standardization of safety production eva luation table for delta safety management eva luation, using the fishbone diagram to analyze the chemical accident. Through improving the safety status of Delta Electronics Factory Analysis and, to find suitable for electronic manufacturing industry safety management measures and occupation disease prevention measures, to improve the safety level of electronic manufacturing, maintenance of electronic manufacturing industry practitioners and mental health.
Keywords: electronic manufacturing industry; safety analysis; safety management; occupation disease prevention
目 录
1 前言 1
2 电子制造业存在的危害因素及问题 2
2.1 危害因素 2
2.2 存在的问题 3
3 XX电子厂概况 4
3.1 公司概况 4
3.2 公司总平面及设备布置 4
4 消防系统现状分析及改进 9
4.1 消防系统现状分析 9
4.1.1 灭火器分析 9
4.1.2 消防栓分析 11
4.1.3 自动喷水灭火系统分析 11
4.2 消防系统改进 13
4.2.1 存在的问题 13
4.2.2 改进措施 14
5 安全管理现状分析及改进 15
5.1 安全管理现状分析 15
5.1.1 安全管理现状考评 15
5.1.2 安全管理水平划分标准 16
5.1.3 安全管理考评结论 16
5.2 安全管理改进措施 16
5.2.1 安全生产责任制 16
5.2.2 安全生产教育 16
5.2.3 班组安全管理 16
5.2.4 现场安全监督检查 17
5.2.5 危险源管理 17
5.2.6 安全生产档案 17
6 职业病预防与化学品管理 18
6.1 生产工艺危害性分析 18
6.1.1 组装工艺危害性分析 18
6.1.2 印刷工艺危害性分析 18
6.2 职业病预防 19
6.2.1 化学品危害性及防护措施 19
6.2.2 化学品事故预防 22
6.3 化学品管理 25
6.3.1 化学品标示、物质安全资料表 25
6.3.2 新增化学品 25
6.3.3 化学品使用 25
6.3.4 化学品储存 26
6.3.5 化学品废弃处理 27
6.3.6 化学品紧急事故应变处理 27
7 结束语 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 30
附 录 31