jsp实现的论坛程序,jsp实现的论坛程序6.1万字 79页摘 要web技术与数据库相结合在互连网上的应用,是当今网络技术核心发展方向之一。本文对数据库系统进行了简要的介绍,而且面向数据库与web技术的结合以及现行比较流行的web数据库实现技术进行了描述和分析。也对web数据库访问具体实现方法进行了较详细的描述,主要描述了实现访问所需的软硬...

原文档由会员 littey 发布
6.1万字 79页
摘 要
Web技术与数据库相结合在互连网上的应用,是当今网络技术核心发展方向之一。本文对数据库系统进行了简要的介绍,而且面向数据库与Web技术的结合以及现行比较流行的Web数据库实现技术进行了描述和分析。也对Web数据库访问具体实现方法进行了较详细的描述,主要描述了实现访问所需的软硬件平台、数据库连接,最后选择了WIN 98+JSP+MS SQL Server 2000进行了具体实现。
本文最后在WIN 98平台上用JSP+MS SQL Server 2000实现了一个论坛程序,实现了由Web访问数据库的基本功能。
The applications that technology and database technology are combined on net is core development direction of network technique nowdays. The text simply introduces database manage systems. Mostly introducing to the combining between database technology and Web technology, expounding and analyzing to web database technology. It more detailed expound that provide achieve means of Web database visiting. The text mostly tell of hardware platform, Internet connecting and communications hardware platform and software platform in realizing visitation. Finally choosing WIN 98+JSP+MS SQL Server 2000 to provide carry out.
Web database technology adopt B/S three floors, former adopts browser ware technology base on client machine, it adopts Web server and midst device to visit database. SQL database is suitability.
On course of achieving Web database, it is took into account problem that how to select hardware platform , software plat roof and Internet connect and correspondence hardware in the text. It is a more successful project. Then it is a more detailed elucidation about of database and server. So we can show JSP platform perfect.
Finally using JSP+MS SQL Server 2000 to carry out a forum program on Windows flat roof. It realizes that basic function of Web visiting to database.
Key words:Web database;JSP;SQL;connect technology
目 录
引 言 V
第1章 Java语言与JSP简介 2
1.1 Java语言 2
1.1.1 Java语言简介 2
1.1.2 Java语言的基本特点 3
1.2 JSP简介 4
1.2.1 JSP简介 4
1.2.2 JSP的特点 4
1.2.3 JSP有关技术细节 5
1.2.4 JSP的开发历程 6
第2章 Web数据库实现技术及其比较 7
2.1 CGI 7
2.2 SAPI 7
2.3 ASP 8
2.4 PHP 9
2.5 JSP 9
2.6 它们之间的比较 10
2.7 Web数据库的模式 11
2.8 比较图表 12
第3章 JSP语法 13
3.1 语法简介 13
3.2 标准语法 14
3.2.1 基本语句 14
3.2.2 指令 15
3.3 流程控制 16
第4章 数据库系统 19
4.1 数据库系统简介 19
4.2 常用数据库比较 20
4.2.1 SQL Server 20
4.2.2 Oracle 21
4.2.3 DB2 21
4.3 SQL基本命令 21
第5章 技术实现 23
5.1 服务器的选择 23
5.1.1 WIN 2000/NT 23
5.1.2 Linux 23
5.1.3 WIN 98 24
5.2 服务器软件的选择 25
5.2.1 Jrun 25
5.2.2 Web Logic 26
5.2.3 Web Sphere 26
5.2.4 Tomcat 与 Resin 27
5.3 数据库的选择 28
5.4 软件的配置 29
5.4.1 JDK 29
5.4.2 Jrun 29
5.4.3 Resin 31
5.4.4 MS SQL Server 2000 33
5.5 数据库与JSP的连接 38
第6章 论坛分析 39
6.1 基础分析 39
6.2 总体设计 39
6.3 详细设计 40
6.3.1 主界面 40
6.3.2 注册信息 40
6.3.3 用户信息维护 41
6.3.4 信息发布 42
6.3.5 管理者维护 42
第7章 结 论 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
附 录 1 47
附 录 2 64
[1] [美]Steven Holzner等著.Java 2技术内幕.北京:中国水利水电出版社,2002.3
[2] [德]Marko Bioger等著.Java与分布式系统.北京:机械工业出版社,2003.5
附 录 1
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ page import="com.laoer.bbscs.sysinfo.*"%>
附 录 2
With the release of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition v. 1.4 Software Development Kit (J2EE 1.4 SDK), web services becomes a standard feature of the J2EE platform. Java web services, with its support for SOAP, WSDL, and WS-I Basic Profile, are now integrated with servlets, JSP pages, and enterprise beans. Developers new to web services can leverage their existing knowledge of J2EE, and developers familiar with Java web services can reuse the same APIs in a more standard way. With these opportunities come new choices and new design decisions that need to be made: What is the most appropriate way to implement a web service client? What is ......
6.1万字 79页
摘 要
Web技术与数据库相结合在互连网上的应用,是当今网络技术核心发展方向之一。本文对数据库系统进行了简要的介绍,而且面向数据库与Web技术的结合以及现行比较流行的Web数据库实现技术进行了描述和分析。也对Web数据库访问具体实现方法进行了较详细的描述,主要描述了实现访问所需的软硬件平台、数据库连接,最后选择了WIN 98+JSP+MS SQL Server 2000进行了具体实现。
本文最后在WIN 98平台上用JSP+MS SQL Server 2000实现了一个论坛程序,实现了由Web访问数据库的基本功能。
The applications that technology and database technology are combined on net is core development direction of network technique nowdays. The text simply introduces database manage systems. Mostly introducing to the combining between database technology and Web technology, expounding and analyzing to web database technology. It more detailed expound that provide achieve means of Web database visiting. The text mostly tell of hardware platform, Internet connecting and communications hardware platform and software platform in realizing visitation. Finally choosing WIN 98+JSP+MS SQL Server 2000 to provide carry out.
Web database technology adopt B/S three floors, former adopts browser ware technology base on client machine, it adopts Web server and midst device to visit database. SQL database is suitability.
On course of achieving Web database, it is took into account problem that how to select hardware platform , software plat roof and Internet connect and correspondence hardware in the text. It is a more successful project. Then it is a more detailed elucidation about of database and server. So we can show JSP platform perfect.
Finally using JSP+MS SQL Server 2000 to carry out a forum program on Windows flat roof. It realizes that basic function of Web visiting to database.
Key words:Web database;JSP;SQL;connect technology
目 录
引 言 V
第1章 Java语言与JSP简介 2
1.1 Java语言 2
1.1.1 Java语言简介 2
1.1.2 Java语言的基本特点 3
1.2 JSP简介 4
1.2.1 JSP简介 4
1.2.2 JSP的特点 4
1.2.3 JSP有关技术细节 5
1.2.4 JSP的开发历程 6
第2章 Web数据库实现技术及其比较 7
2.1 CGI 7
2.2 SAPI 7
2.3 ASP 8
2.4 PHP 9
2.5 JSP 9
2.6 它们之间的比较 10
2.7 Web数据库的模式 11
2.8 比较图表 12
第3章 JSP语法 13
3.1 语法简介 13
3.2 标准语法 14
3.2.1 基本语句 14
3.2.2 指令 15
3.3 流程控制 16
第4章 数据库系统 19
4.1 数据库系统简介 19
4.2 常用数据库比较 20
4.2.1 SQL Server 20
4.2.2 Oracle 21
4.2.3 DB2 21
4.3 SQL基本命令 21
第5章 技术实现 23
5.1 服务器的选择 23
5.1.1 WIN 2000/NT 23
5.1.2 Linux 23
5.1.3 WIN 98 24
5.2 服务器软件的选择 25
5.2.1 Jrun 25
5.2.2 Web Logic 26
5.2.3 Web Sphere 26
5.2.4 Tomcat 与 Resin 27
5.3 数据库的选择 28
5.4 软件的配置 29
5.4.1 JDK 29
5.4.2 Jrun 29
5.4.3 Resin 31
5.4.4 MS SQL Server 2000 33
5.5 数据库与JSP的连接 38
第6章 论坛分析 39
6.1 基础分析 39
6.2 总体设计 39
6.3 详细设计 40
6.3.1 主界面 40
6.3.2 注册信息 40
6.3.3 用户信息维护 41
6.3.4 信息发布 42
6.3.5 管理者维护 42
第7章 结 论 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
附 录 1 47
附 录 2 64
[1] [美]Steven Holzner等著.Java 2技术内幕.北京:中国水利水电出版社,2002.3
[2] [德]Marko Bioger等著.Java与分布式系统.北京:机械工业出版社,2003.5
附 录 1
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ page import="com.laoer.bbscs.sysinfo.*"%>
附 录 2
With the release of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition v. 1.4 Software Development Kit (J2EE 1.4 SDK), web services becomes a standard feature of the J2EE platform. Java web services, with its support for SOAP, WSDL, and WS-I Basic Profile, are now integrated with servlets, JSP pages, and enterprise beans. Developers new to web services can leverage their existing knowledge of J2EE, and developers familiar with Java web services can reuse the same APIs in a more standard way. With these opportunities come new choices and new design decisions that need to be made: What is the most appropriate way to implement a web service client? What is ......