web实验室管理系统, (自动排课功能的实现)2.2万字37页摘要在学校实验室的管理中,发现了一些问题,其中如:在统筹安排各班级上实验课的时间需要人工实现,而且经常会出现同时有多个班级要使用实验室的冲突,并且调课后没有及时通知老师和班级同学。为了方便实验室的管理,我们提出利用网络来管理实验室的上机情况。以学校的网络实验室...

原文档由会员 刘丽 发布
2.2万字 37页
关键词 web开发,asp,动态网页技术
Title Lab's managing system based on web
Abstract There were a lot of problems in the lab of our school, for instance, we needed to arrange the time of experiment by hand, and the conflict that the lab was used by many classes at the same time appeared frequently. Moreover, it was not in time to notice students and teachers after changing lessons. We advise to manage the lab system by network for managing the lab conveniently setting by the school's lab, we invent the Lab's managing system based on web.
We need a language and a tool that is fit for data-base programming, web-multimedia, and can visit different kinds of the function of the date-base simultaneously. At present, ASP is a more......
1.1引言 4
1.2课题研究背景 4
1.3 问题定义 5
1.4 可行性报告 5
2系统需求分析报告 7
2.1引言 7
2.2任务概述及任务流分析 7
2. 3数据流图分析及数据描述 8
2.4功能需求 11
2. 5性能需求 11
2.6其它需求 12
3 系统设计说明书 13
3.1引言 13
3.2 任务概述 13
3.3总体设计 13
3.4 接口设计 16
3. 5数据结构设计 17
3. 6运行设计 19
3.7出错设计 19
3. 8安全保密设计 19
3. 9维护设计 19
4 主要程序详细设计说明书 21
4.1 引言 21
4.2任务概述 21
4.3总控部分设计 21
5 用户手册 26
5.1系统简介 26
5.2 主要功能 26
5.3 运行环境 26
5.4软件环境安装 27
5. 5数据存取机制 27
5. 6 操作说明 28
6 系统评价 30
6.1系统的特点 30
6.2系统的优点和缺点 30
6.3设计收获与体会 30
参考资料 32
致谢 33
set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("data.mdb")
2.2万字 37页
关键词 web开发,asp,动态网页技术
Title Lab's managing system based on web
Abstract There were a lot of problems in the lab of our school, for instance, we needed to arrange the time of experiment by hand, and the conflict that the lab was used by many classes at the same time appeared frequently. Moreover, it was not in time to notice students and teachers after changing lessons. We advise to manage the lab system by network for managing the lab conveniently setting by the school's lab, we invent the Lab's managing system based on web.
We need a language and a tool that is fit for data-base programming, web-multimedia, and can visit different kinds of the function of the date-base simultaneously. At present, ASP is a more......
1.1引言 4
1.2课题研究背景 4
1.3 问题定义 5
1.4 可行性报告 5
2系统需求分析报告 7
2.1引言 7
2.2任务概述及任务流分析 7
2. 3数据流图分析及数据描述 8
2.4功能需求 11
2. 5性能需求 11
2.6其它需求 12
3 系统设计说明书 13
3.1引言 13
3.2 任务概述 13
3.3总体设计 13
3.4 接口设计 16
3. 5数据结构设计 17
3. 6运行设计 19
3.7出错设计 19
3. 8安全保密设计 19
3. 9维护设计 19
4 主要程序详细设计说明书 21
4.1 引言 21
4.2任务概述 21
4.3总控部分设计 21
5 用户手册 26
5.1系统简介 26
5.2 主要功能 26
5.3 运行环境 26
5.4软件环境安装 27
5. 5数据存取机制 27
5. 6 操作说明 28
6 系统评价 30
6.1系统的特点 30
6.2系统的优点和缺点 30
6.3设计收获与体会 30
参考资料 32
致谢 33
set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("data.mdb")