办公楼计算书毕业设计,摘 要 本工程是太原市办公楼。为多层钢筋混凝土框架结构。共六层,层高均为3.6米。建筑物总高度为21.6米。 该计算书主要包括:框架结构设计任务书、框架结构设计计算部分(横向水平荷载作用下的框架结构的内力和侧移计算、竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算、截面尺寸设计)。设计主体是六层框架结构,选择一榀框架计算,框架...
此文档由会员 curedy 发布摘 要
This is Some side colliery colligate building. It is a multi-layer reinforced concrete frame. It has six stories, the height of the second storey is 4.5 meters, and the height of other stories are all 4 meters. The height of the whole building is 24.5 meters.
This account book mainly includes:the graduation project project description, the portal frame construction computation part, (under the crosswise horizontal load function portal frame construction endogenic force and the side move under the computation, the vertical load function the portal frame construction endogenic force computation, the section size design). The design main body is six portal frame constructions, chooses a pin frame computation, the portal frame construction computation part includes: Liang plate column size preliminary determination, gravity load normal value computation. The crosswise frame side moves under the rigidity computation, the horizontal seismic force function endogenic force computation and the side moves the computation under the function the side to move the checking calculation, under the vertical load function frame endogenic force computation, mainly includes under the permanent load and the live load function endogenic force computation, the endogenic force combination mainly is between the horizontal earthquake function, the permanent load function, the live load function, the section design including Liang's section design and the column section design, Liang's section design including the right section checking calculation and the oblique section checking calculation, the column section design presses the ratio including the axis the checking calculation and the right section checking calculation and the oblique section checking calculation and the point design. The board design uses is the bidirectional board. The foundation design including the load computation, the foundation matches the muscle computation. The staircase design including the carriage design, platform Liang designs, the even platen design, the staircase matches the muscle computation.
Construction part includes the major branch project method and measure and option of construction mainly , quality guarantee measure, as well as the winter construction measure of rainy season.
目 录
结 构 设 计 部 分
一 工程概况 ……………………………………………………………………………
二 楼盖设计 ……………………………………………………………………………
三 地震作用内力计算 …………………………………………………………………
四 恒荷载内力计算 ……………………………………………………………………
五 活荷载内力计算(屋面布活荷载) ………………………………………………
六 内力组合 ……………………………………………………………………………
七 截面设计 ……………………………………………………………………………
八 楼梯设计 ……………………………………………………………………………
九 基础设计 ……………………………………………………………………………