
此文档由会员 hyhoney 发布
摘 要
本研究以民办高校教师人力资源管理的主要问题作为研究对象,综合运用了文献研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、以及历史研究法等对其进行较全面的阐述。论文首先从历史的角度通过追溯教师人力资源管理思想的起源、改革与发展历程阐述了对“教师人力资源”和“教师人力资源管理”的理解;然后通过一一分析比较教师人力资源与企业人力资源、公办高校教师以及民办高校内部其他人力资源的区别,分析和界定了民办高校教师人力资源的特殊性,从而创造性地将民办高校教师人力资源的管理问题划分开来视作一个独立的领域加以专门性研究;基于民办高校人力资源的独特性,本文紧接着提出民办高校教师人力资源管理几大不可分割的主要方面,即“选人、用人、育人和留人”, 同时指出我国民办高校在这几大方面目前所面临的瓶颈问题以及出现这些问题的内因和外因。最后,该文针对已经提出的主要问题重点探索一些具有可操作性的具体方案:即通过对教师人才的合理选拔不断调整和优化整个教师人力资源的结构;通过对现有教师的科学使用与培养使教师资源得到增值和再生;以及通过对教师的激励与人文关怀稳定现有教师资源并激发其活力和创造性。
Playing a very important role in China’s higher education, the sustainable development of private education should be greatly concerned. In recent years, however, China’s private higher education has transformed into a recessional period from its previous thriving period due to some reasons, which has seriously threatened its existence as well as its future development. Teaching quality, which is decided by all the teachers of a school, serves as life and soul of a school’s prospect, so it is vital for private colleges to improve their teaching level by valuing their teacher’s needs, personal growth, as well as their career development. Facing the cruel and fierce competition among colleges and universities, private colleges must explore some creative approaches to solve the existing problems and get ready for a brand-new developing period of education. Applying some advanced theories of Human Resource to the course of teachers’ management can help some private colleges walk out of the present difficulties. When applying those theories, private colleges must, on the one hand, take teachers as the first human resource; on the other hand, they must turn the conventional way of managing teachers into the modern one, the core of which is that the schools should concern more about their teachers’ human nature.
This research synthesize the utilization of literature reference,history research, comparative research and case study approach. Starting from tracing back to the origin and development of the theory of Human Resource, as well as its application and reformation in the field of teacher’s management from the establishment of new China to the present, this thesis states some major aspects of teachers’ management, which include the selection, using, cultivation, and stabilization of teachers. The study stresses the uniqueness of teachers’ management in private colleges by identifying the different features among staff of ventures, teachers of private colleges and other staff working for private colleges. On the basis of the above research, the paper also tenders private colleges’ major problems of managing teachers, analyzes some relative causes of each, and quests some effective solutions for each problem.
This study can further prove that enhancing the management of teachers has great significance for improving teachers’ personal ability, the colleges ’competitiveness,
as well as the prospect of the whole nation.Therefore, private colleges must value teachers as the first human resource among other human resources and,for quite a long period, perceive the enhancement of teachers’ management as their primary task,which can not only help them out of the present difficulties but also ensure their long-term development.
Key words:private colleges;human resource management;
human resource in teaching; motivation
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 问题的提出与研究意义 1
第二节 相关文..
摘 要
本研究以民办高校教师人力资源管理的主要问题作为研究对象,综合运用了文献研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、以及历史研究法等对其进行较全面的阐述。论文首先从历史的角度通过追溯教师人力资源管理思想的起源、改革与发展历程阐述了对“教师人力资源”和“教师人力资源管理”的理解;然后通过一一分析比较教师人力资源与企业人力资源、公办高校教师以及民办高校内部其他人力资源的区别,分析和界定了民办高校教师人力资源的特殊性,从而创造性地将民办高校教师人力资源的管理问题划分开来视作一个独立的领域加以专门性研究;基于民办高校人力资源的独特性,本文紧接着提出民办高校教师人力资源管理几大不可分割的主要方面,即“选人、用人、育人和留人”, 同时指出我国民办高校在这几大方面目前所面临的瓶颈问题以及出现这些问题的内因和外因。最后,该文针对已经提出的主要问题重点探索一些具有可操作性的具体方案:即通过对教师人才的合理选拔不断调整和优化整个教师人力资源的结构;通过对现有教师的科学使用与培养使教师资源得到增值和再生;以及通过对教师的激励与人文关怀稳定现有教师资源并激发其活力和创造性。
Playing a very important role in China’s higher education, the sustainable development of private education should be greatly concerned. In recent years, however, China’s private higher education has transformed into a recessional period from its previous thriving period due to some reasons, which has seriously threatened its existence as well as its future development. Teaching quality, which is decided by all the teachers of a school, serves as life and soul of a school’s prospect, so it is vital for private colleges to improve their teaching level by valuing their teacher’s needs, personal growth, as well as their career development. Facing the cruel and fierce competition among colleges and universities, private colleges must explore some creative approaches to solve the existing problems and get ready for a brand-new developing period of education. Applying some advanced theories of Human Resource to the course of teachers’ management can help some private colleges walk out of the present difficulties. When applying those theories, private colleges must, on the one hand, take teachers as the first human resource; on the other hand, they must turn the conventional way of managing teachers into the modern one, the core of which is that the schools should concern more about their teachers’ human nature.
This research synthesize the utilization of literature reference,history research, comparative research and case study approach. Starting from tracing back to the origin and development of the theory of Human Resource, as well as its application and reformation in the field of teacher’s management from the establishment of new China to the present, this thesis states some major aspects of teachers’ management, which include the selection, using, cultivation, and stabilization of teachers. The study stresses the uniqueness of teachers’ management in private colleges by identifying the different features among staff of ventures, teachers of private colleges and other staff working for private colleges. On the basis of the above research, the paper also tenders private colleges’ major problems of managing teachers, analyzes some relative causes of each, and quests some effective solutions for each problem.
This study can further prove that enhancing the management of teachers has great significance for improving teachers’ personal ability, the colleges ’competitiveness,
as well as the prospect of the whole nation.Therefore, private colleges must value teachers as the first human resource among other human resources and,for quite a long period, perceive the enhancement of teachers’ management as their primary task,which can not only help them out of the present difficulties but also ensure their long-term development.
Key words:private colleges;human resource management;
human resource in teaching; motivation
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 问题的提出与研究意义 1
第二节 相关文..