
此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布
Network-based supply chain is reforming, which assemble the horizontal integration and vertical integration advantages between enterprises at the same position and between enterprises in upstream and downstream. The formation changes the original form of enterprise production process and allocation of resources in a qualitative level. This not only stresses network-based features, but more to promote the use of networks and value network perspective to view supply chain management and value creation activities. Moreover, network-based supply chain members must all act to maximize the overall interests. Supply chain transactions create enormous capacity benefits for the various actors in a conscious act of common conviction. Network economy strong openness, stability, and positive feedback mechanisms, norm the network-based supply chain members positively and negatively. Network-based supply chain members have a good basis for consensus rules which become the respective core competitiveness of all network-based supply chain members. on the basis of these characteristics, this article analysis the network-based supply chain complexity and dynamic characteristics, next combining game theory analysis and appraisal of the co-opetition relationships and network-based supply chain value creation process, finally the impact of network-based supply chain value creation factors and solutions to the specific value conflict.
The first chapter of a research background, which is on the basis of supply chain development and supply chain relationships development theory, presents the meaning and relevance of this theory, research methodology and research framework proposed, innovative point and the future directions of research; Chapter II of a literature review of relevant literature, including competing basic theory, although analytical methods, value creation form (value chain, value network) and network-based supply chain management organization perspective to our present theoretical point; Chapter III discussed the definition of network-based supply chain and features that network-based supply chain has complexity and dynamic characteristics; Chapter IV major analysis of network-based supply chain members co-opetition, by game .....
Kay words:Supply chain network Co-opetition Value creation
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景 1
1.1.1 供应链管理的发展 1
1.1.2 成员关系影响供应链的综合竞争力 1
1.1.3. 供应链关系管理理论的创新 2
第二节 研究意义 3
1.2.1 理论意义 3
1.2.2 现实意义 4
第三节 研究方法与研究框架 4
1.3.1 研究方法 4
1.3.2 研究框架 4
第四节 创新点未来研究方向 7
1.4.1 论文的创新点 7
1.4.2 未来研究方向 7
第二章 文献回顾 9
第一节 竞争观、合作观与竞合理论综述 9
2.1.1竞争观与合作观的比较 9
2.1.2 竞合相关理论综述 12
第二节 价值创造理论 16
2.2.1 价值链思维及其局限性 17
2.2.2 价值网理论的产生及研究现状 18
2.2.3 战略联盟的价值创造 20
第三节 基于网络组织观点的供应链 22
2.3.1 网络组织研究现状 22
2.3.2 网络型供应链管理 23
第三章 网络型供应链的特性分析 25
第一节 网络型供应链结构的复杂性分析 25
3.1.1 网络型供应链的结构模型 25
3.1.2 网络型供应链的结构特性分析 26
第二节 网络型供应链成员关系的复杂性分析 28
3.2.1 纵向关系 28
3.2.2 横向关系 30
第三节 网络型供应链动态特性的分析 31
3.3.1 定结构动态特性 31
3.3.2 变结构动态特性 32
第四章 网络型供应链成员竞合关系的博弈分析 35
第一节 博弈模型的构建 35
4.1.1 经济主体行为模式假设 35
4.1.2 网络型供应链的稳定性及其正反馈机制分析 36
4.1.3 博弈模型 37
第二节 网络型供应链成员纵向竞合关系博弈分析 38
4.2.1模型的演化博弈理论扩展 38
4.2.2 纵向演化博弈模型分析 42
第三节 网络型供应链成员横向竞合关系博弈分析 43
4.3.1 模型的横向扩展 44
4.3.2 零售商R1和R2的竞争关系 46
4.3.3 零售商R1和R2的竞合关系 47
第五章 网络型供应链的价值创造研究 50
第一节 网络型供应链价值创造分析 50
5.1.1 价值创造的模型扩展 50
5.1.2 价值创造模型分析 51
第二节 影响价值创造的其他因素 52
5.2.1 竞争的负效应 52
5.2.2 路径依赖、闭锁与权力复归 53
5.2.3 信息不对称 55
第三节 网络型供应链价值创造负面影响因素的解决办法 55
5.3.1 能力均衡机制 56
5.3.2 规制机制 56
致谢 59
参考文献 60
关键字:网络型供应链 竞合 价值创造
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Network-based supply chain is reforming, which assemble the horizontal integration and vertical integration advantages between enterprises at the same position and between enterprises in upstream and downstream. The formation changes the original form of enterprise production process and allocation of resources in a qualitative level. This not only stresses network-based features, but more to promote the use of networks and value network perspective to view supply chain management and value creation activities. Moreover, network-based supply chain members must all act to maximize the overall interests. Supply chain transactions create enormous capacity benefits for the various actors in a conscious act of common conviction. Network economy strong openness, stability, and positive feedback mechanisms, norm the network-based supply chain members positively and negatively. Network-based supply chain members have a good basis for consensus rules which become the respective core competitiveness of all network-based supply chain members. on the basis of these characteristics, this article analysis the network-based supply chain complexity and dynamic characteristics, next combining game theory analysis and appraisal of the co-opetition relationships and network-based supply chain value creation process, finally the impact of network-based supply chain value creation factors and solutions to the specific value conflict.
The first chapter of a research background, which is on the basis of supply chain development and supply chain relationships development theory, presents the meaning and relevance of this theory, research methodology and research framework proposed, innovative point and the future directions of research; Chapter II of a literature review of relevant literature, including competing basic theory, although analytical methods, value creation form (value chain, value network) and network-based supply chain management organization perspective to our present theoretical point; Chapter III discussed the definition of network-based supply chain and features that network-based supply chain has complexity and dynamic characteristics; Chapter IV major analysis of network-based supply chain members co-opetition, by game .....
Kay words:Supply chain network Co-opetition Value creation
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景 1
1.1.1 供应链管理的发展 1
1.1.2 成员关系影响供应链的综合竞争力 1
1.1.3. 供应链关系管理理论的创新 2
第二节 研究意义 3
1.2.1 理论意义 3
1.2.2 现实意义 4
第三节 研究方法与研究框架 4
1.3.1 研究方法 4
1.3.2 研究框架 4
第四节 创新点未来研究方向 7
1.4.1 论文的创新点 7
1.4.2 未来研究方向 7
第二章 文献回顾 9
第一节 竞争观、合作观与竞合理论综述 9
2.1.1竞争观与合作观的比较 9
2.1.2 竞合相关理论综述 12
第二节 价值创造理论 16
2.2.1 价值链思维及其局限性 17
2.2.2 价值网理论的产生及研究现状 18
2.2.3 战略联盟的价值创造 20
第三节 基于网络组织观点的供应链 22
2.3.1 网络组织研究现状 22
2.3.2 网络型供应链管理 23
第三章 网络型供应链的特性分析 25
第一节 网络型供应链结构的复杂性分析 25
3.1.1 网络型供应链的结构模型 25
3.1.2 网络型供应链的结构特性分析 26
第二节 网络型供应链成员关系的复杂性分析 28
3.2.1 纵向关系 28
3.2.2 横向关系 30
第三节 网络型供应链动态特性的分析 31
3.3.1 定结构动态特性 31
3.3.2 变结构动态特性 32
第四章 网络型供应链成员竞合关系的博弈分析 35
第一节 博弈模型的构建 35
4.1.1 经济主体行为模式假设 35
4.1.2 网络型供应链的稳定性及其正反馈机制分析 36
4.1.3 博弈模型 37
第二节 网络型供应链成员纵向竞合关系博弈分析 38
4.2.1模型的演化博弈理论扩展 38
4.2.2 纵向演化博弈模型分析 42
第三节 网络型供应链成员横向竞合关系博弈分析 43
4.3.1 模型的横向扩展 44
4.3.2 零售商R1和R2的竞争关系 46
4.3.3 零售商R1和R2的竞合关系 47
第五章 网络型供应链的价值创造研究 50
第一节 网络型供应链价值创造分析 50
5.1.1 价值创造的模型扩展 50
5.1.2 价值创造模型分析 51
第二节 影响价值创造的其他因素 52
5.2.1 竞争的负效应 52
5.2.2 路径依赖、闭锁与权力复归 53
5.2.3 信息不对称 55
第三节 网络型供应链价值创造负面影响因素的解决办法 55
5.3.1 能力均衡机制 56
5.3.2 规制机制 56
致谢 59
参考文献 60
关键字:网络型供应链 竞合 价值创造
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