毕业设计-文件管理系统设计与实现,目 录1 引 言11.1 传统图书管理的模式和特点11.2 图书管理的现状和趋势21.3 选题的目的、意义31.4 设计目标32 系统分析82.1 需求分析82.2 可行性报告92.3 开发工具的选用93 总体设计113.1 设计原则113.2 系统功能模块分析113.3 模块框架图12...

原文档由会员 弦断有谁听 发布
目 录
1 引 言 1
1.1 传统图书管理的模式和特点 1
1.2 图书管理的现状和趋势 2
1.3 选题的目的、意义 3
1.4 设计目标 3
2 系统分析 8
2.1 需求分析 8
2.2 可行性报告 9
2.3 开发工具的选用 9
3 总体设计 11
3.1 设计原则 11
3.2 系统功能模块分析 11
3.3 模块框架图 12
3.4 系统数据分析和设计 13
4 详细设计 16
4.1 详细设计思想 16
4.2 基本模块设计 16
5 系统测试与维护 26
5.1 系统测试 26
5.2 系统维护 26
结 论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要
本文基于SQL Server2000数据库和ASP技术,设计并开发一套适合于中小型图书管理的图书信息管理系统。本系统包含图书管理、读者管理、图书借阅、图书查询、系统管理和系统辅助等六个功能模块。在系统的实现中运用了多种查询技术,特别是多条件组合查询;同时在系统中采取了多种安全性措施,确保了系统在一定程度上的安全可靠。针对以上情况,决定组建一个基于浏览器/服务器结构的图书管理系统,要求该系统能对登录后的用户实行权限管理。管理员能在客户端根据自已的需要查询图书,并且图书管理员也能在服务器端根据读者提供的身份信息及图书编号办理借书或还书手续,通过自动查询功能判断读者是否还能借书。如果读者没有逾期未还图书情况及所借图书没超过可借图书数量,则可继续办理借书手续,否则不予办理。另外,图书管理员能根据需要通过该系统的服务端自行修改图书信息,增加或删除图书书目等。
关键词 ASP 信息管理系统 数据库
毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要
Title Books Information Management System Based On Web
Based on ASP and SQL Server2000 technology, a kind of books information management system to arrange small or middle type of books management is designed and developed. The system include following functions: books management, reader management, books borrowing, books query, system management and system assistant. The system utilizes kinds of query technologies, especially multi-condition combination query. For the query results, buffering and some System Optimization technologies are adopted, which improves greatly the searching speed on the web for reader. Many security measures are taken as well, which insures the safety and reliability of the system to some extent. The topic of ASP based multi-threaded download for the hypothetical system is the growing number of Internet users developed, mainly based on the network of multi-threaded download. This system uses a powerful Microsoft Visual C # as a tool to develop. From the whole system in line with the simple, user-friendly, flexible, practical, rapid point of view, to achieve through a list box displayed on a web site part of the file path, the user through the relevant documents check box selected, multi-threaded download at the same time document, and then save the file in the default folder. The main thesis presented in the context of the subject development, to be completed by the function and the development process. Note the focus of the focus of system design, design ideas, key technologies and solutions.
Key Words Active Server Pages Information Management System Database