多变量公钥密码设计, 摘 要 量子计算机的出现对传统公钥密码体制的安全构成威胁,多变量公钥密码应运而生,并成为近年来密码学的研究热点之一。多变量公钥密码的安全性依赖于解多变量非线性多项式方程组的困难性,并且多变量公钥密码在存储空间和执行时间上比起传统公钥密码体制具有明显的优势。 本文对多变量公钥密码系统进行了学...
此文档由会员 zijincheng 发布
摘 要
关键词:公钥密码 数字签名 多变量
多变量公钥密码系统 1
Abstract 2
Keyword: Public key cryptography Signature Multivariate 2
一、研究多变量公钥密码系统的背景及意义 2
二、多变量公钥密码系统 4
(一) 基础知识 5
1.有限域 5
2.有限域上多元多项式方程组 6
3 .MQ-问题 7
(二)多变量公钥密码系统的一般形式 7
(三)多变量公钥密码系统的分类 8
1 .双极系统(Bipolar Systems) 8
2 .混合系统(Mixed Systems) 10
3. IP方案 12
(四) 多变量公钥密码系统的基本构造 12
1. MI(Matsumoto-Imai)体制 12
2.隐藏域方程(HFE) 13
3.油醋(OV)体制 14
4. 三角阶梯(STS)体制 15
三、多变量公钥密码体系面临的几种常用攻击方法 16
(一)Patarin的线性化方程 16
(二) 解非线性方程 17
(三)秩攻击 18
(四)差分攻击 18
The appearance of the quantum computer is a threat to the security of traditional cryptosystems, so the multivariable cryptography was born, and attracted more and more attentions recently. The multivariate public key cryptosystems are connected to the hardness of solving randomly chosen systems of multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field, and it has better performance both in memory space and time efficiency than the traditional cryptosystems.
This paper does some study and research on the MPKCs, sums up the development history and research situation, does a brief introduction to the implementation of trapdoor functions, and presents the main attacks. On this basis, the main contributions are as follows.
Keyword: Public key cryptography Signature Multivariate