钽酸铜的制备及其表征,包括开题报告,任务书,ppt,翻译原文和译文摘要iabstractii1.引言11.1纳米科技和纳米材料11.2钽酸盐纳米材料光催化剂11.3纳米材料的表征11.3.1 sem形貌分析11.3.2 xrd物相定性分析21.4纳米材料的制备方法21.4.1水热法21.4.2熔盐法31.4.3共沉淀法32.实验42.1实验...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
摘要 I
Abstract II
1.引言 1
1.1纳米科技和纳米材料 1
1.2钽酸盐纳米材料光催化剂 1
1.3纳米材料的表征 1
1.3.1 SEM形貌分析 1
1.3.2 XRD物相定性分析 2
1.4纳米材料的制备方法 2
1.4.1水热法 2
1.4.2熔盐法 3
1.4.3共沉淀法 3
2.实验 4
2.1实验原料及仪器 4
2.2实验内容 5
2.2.1水热法制备钽酸铜纳米粉末 5
2.2.2沉淀法制备钽酸铜 7
3.实验结果与讨论 8
3.1 产物的XRD物相定性分析 8
3.2 产物的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)检测及图像分析 9
3.2.1添加物量不同对水热法的影响 9
3.2.2添加物不同对水热法的影响 10
3.2.3保温时间对水热法的影响 11
3.2.4五氧化二钽溶解于氢氟酸后溶液蒸干与否对水热法的影响 11
3.2.5淀过程中分别滴加氢氧化钠和氨水对实验的影响 12
4.结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
The preparation and characterization of copper tantalate
Regulation of the synthesis of the nanoparticles is an important part of the development of nanotechnology, for exploring the basis of the performance and applications of nanostructures. In this thesis,copper tantalate was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and coprecipitation synthesis, and products were characterized by a variety of methods . We conducted a series of comparative tests by changing the experimental conditions such as holding temperature , holding time, and different additives in the hydrothermal synthesis system. Then the samples were characterized by SEM and XRD, and finally through comparison and analysis we obtained the best methods and conditions of preparing tantalate copper tantalate nanocrystalline in the laboratory.
Keywords: copper tantalate; hydrothermal synthesis; coprecipitation synthesis; nanomaterial
摘要 I
Abstract II
1.引言 1
1.1纳米科技和纳米材料 1
1.2钽酸盐纳米材料光催化剂 1
1.3纳米材料的表征 1
1.3.1 SEM形貌分析 1
1.3.2 XRD物相定性分析 2
1.4纳米材料的制备方法 2
1.4.1水热法 2
1.4.2熔盐法 3
1.4.3共沉淀法 3
2.实验 4
2.1实验原料及仪器 4
2.2实验内容 5
2.2.1水热法制备钽酸铜纳米粉末 5
2.2.2沉淀法制备钽酸铜 7
3.实验结果与讨论 8
3.1 产物的XRD物相定性分析 8
3.2 产物的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)检测及图像分析 9
3.2.1添加物量不同对水热法的影响 9
3.2.2添加物不同对水热法的影响 10
3.2.3保温时间对水热法的影响 11
3.2.4五氧化二钽溶解于氢氟酸后溶液蒸干与否对水热法的影响 11
3.2.5淀过程中分别滴加氢氧化钠和氨水对实验的影响 12
4.结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
The preparation and characterization of copper tantalate
Regulation of the synthesis of the nanoparticles is an important part of the development of nanotechnology, for exploring the basis of the performance and applications of nanostructures. In this thesis,copper tantalate was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and coprecipitation synthesis, and products were characterized by a variety of methods . We conducted a series of comparative tests by changing the experimental conditions such as holding temperature , holding time, and different additives in the hydrothermal synthesis system. Then the samples were characterized by SEM and XRD, and finally through comparison and analysis we obtained the best methods and conditions of preparing tantalate copper tantalate nanocrystalline in the laboratory.
Keywords: copper tantalate; hydrothermal synthesis; coprecipitation synthesis; nanomaterial