室内温度对空气质量的影响,包括开题报告,任务书,ppt,翻译原文和译文摘要iabstractii1引言12 实验方法22.1实验原理22.2 实验原料和设备42.3 实验条件52.4 环境测试舱甲醛浓度测定72.5 污染源散发率的测定73 结果与讨论93.1 板材中甲醛散发率模型93.1.1 散发率模型测定93.1.2 温度对散发率模型的影响1...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
2 实验方法 2
2.1实验原理 2
2.2 实验原料和设备 4
2.3 实验条件 5
2.4 环境测试舱甲醛浓度测定 7
2.5 污染源散发率的测定 7
3 结果与讨论 9
3.1 板材中甲醛散发率模型 9
3.1.1 散发率模型测定 9
3.1.2 温度对散发率模型的影响 12
3.2 室内甲醛浓度预测模型 17
3.2.1 甲醛浓度预测模型 17
3.2.2 预测模型的分析与求解 19
3.2.3 甲醛浓度预测模型的验证 19
4 结论 20
5 参考文献 21
致谢 24
摘 要
装修污染已成为人们最关注的室内环境污染问题,鉴于室内环境与人体健康的密切联系,我们应对室内空气质量(indoor air quality, IAQ)予以重视。甲醛作为重要的污染项目之一,其浓度是衡量IAQ的重要指标,本实验旨在研究温度对室内甲醛浓度——时间规律的影响。
The influence of temperature on the indoor air quality
In recent years, decoration has become one of the most common causes for indoor pollution. The indoor environment influences human healthiness greatly, so we must pay attention to the indoor air quality (IAQ). Formaldehyde is an important item in all the indoor pollutants, and it is an eva luation index for the indoor air quality. This thesis is to study the temperature influence on the regular pattern of the formaldehyde concentration VS time.
The small environmental test chamber dynamic balance method is used to measure the regular pattern of the formaldehyde emission rate VS time under different temperatures (14℃, 18℃, 23℃). Formaldehyde immediate concentration is detected by phenol reagent spectrophotometry firstly, the immediate formaldehyde emission rate in the chamber calculated from the concentration secondly,the R-t curve is made and the formaldehyde emission rate VS time model (R=f(t)) is derived, then the temperature factor influence can be got. We can also obtain formaldehyde concentration VS time model (C=f(t)) from the formaldehyde emission rate model.
The experimental results show: 1) the formaldehyde emissions rate R will decrease with time. 2) the concentration model of formaldehyde C=f(t) can be derived from the emission model R=f(t); 3)the initial formaldehyde emission rate (R0) and decreasing coefficient are increasing with the temperature T rising. The initial formaldehyde concentration is decided by the polluting source with the higher emission rate, while the concentration attenuate model is decided by the polluting source with the lower emission rate.
Key words: indoor air quality (IAQ); formaldehyde; temperature; emission rate model
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
2 实验方法 2
2.1实验原理 2
2.2 实验原料和设备 4
2.3 实验条件 5
2.4 环境测试舱甲醛浓度测定 7
2.5 污染源散发率的测定 7
3 结果与讨论 9
3.1 板材中甲醛散发率模型 9
3.1.1 散发率模型测定 9
3.1.2 温度对散发率模型的影响 12
3.2 室内甲醛浓度预测模型 17
3.2.1 甲醛浓度预测模型 17
3.2.2 预测模型的分析与求解 19
3.2.3 甲醛浓度预测模型的验证 19
4 结论 20
5 参考文献 21
致谢 24
摘 要
装修污染已成为人们最关注的室内环境污染问题,鉴于室内环境与人体健康的密切联系,我们应对室内空气质量(indoor air quality, IAQ)予以重视。甲醛作为重要的污染项目之一,其浓度是衡量IAQ的重要指标,本实验旨在研究温度对室内甲醛浓度——时间规律的影响。
The influence of temperature on the indoor air quality
In recent years, decoration has become one of the most common causes for indoor pollution. The indoor environment influences human healthiness greatly, so we must pay attention to the indoor air quality (IAQ). Formaldehyde is an important item in all the indoor pollutants, and it is an eva luation index for the indoor air quality. This thesis is to study the temperature influence on the regular pattern of the formaldehyde concentration VS time.
The small environmental test chamber dynamic balance method is used to measure the regular pattern of the formaldehyde emission rate VS time under different temperatures (14℃, 18℃, 23℃). Formaldehyde immediate concentration is detected by phenol reagent spectrophotometry firstly, the immediate formaldehyde emission rate in the chamber calculated from the concentration secondly,the R-t curve is made and the formaldehyde emission rate VS time model (R=f(t)) is derived, then the temperature factor influence can be got. We can also obtain formaldehyde concentration VS time model (C=f(t)) from the formaldehyde emission rate model.
The experimental results show: 1) the formaldehyde emissions rate R will decrease with time. 2) the concentration model of formaldehyde C=f(t) can be derived from the emission model R=f(t); 3)the initial formaldehyde emission rate (R0) and decreasing coefficient are increasing with the temperature T rising. The initial formaldehyde concentration is decided by the polluting source with the higher emission rate, while the concentration attenuate model is decided by the polluting source with the lower emission rate.
Key words: indoor air quality (IAQ); formaldehyde; temperature; emission rate model