

西门子plc五层电梯控制,   摘要   交流变频调速技术已经进入一个崭新的时代,其应用越来越广。而电梯作为现代高层建筑的垂直交通工具,与人们的生活紧密相关,随着人们对其要求的提高,电梯得到了快速发展,其拖动技术已经发展到了调频调压调速,其逻辑控制也由plc代替原来的继电器控制。本文在已有的通用变频器的基础上,采用plc对电梯进行控制,通过合理...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 电气小工 发布

   本文以五层电梯为研究对象,在研究电梯和PLC的结构、特点和工作原理的基础上,以SMIENS S7-200系列PLC为开发硬件平台,设计了五层电梯的控制系统。控制系统分为硬件和软件两部分进行设计。软件部分主要包括有楼层位置显示、内呼指令的产生和消除、外呼指令的产生和消除、停车指令的产生和消除、电梯定向、运行与减速停车和开关门等程序。实现了以下控制要求:自动响应楼层的指令指令、响应轿厢内部指令、显示轿厢位置、显示电梯运行方向,自动或者手动开关门。系统采用变频器控制电动机的启停,加减速运行,并利用其内置的PID调节功能,实现了平滑的加减速,满足了电梯的舒适性要求。
   The elevator is the high-rise construction essential transport means, uses in vertical shipping the passenger and the cargo, the traditional elevator control system mainly uses the relay. The contact device carries on the control, its shortcoming is the electronic contact are many, failure rate high, reliability bad, service work load big and so on, but uses the PLC composition the control system to be possible to solve the above problem well, causes the elevator movement to be safer, to be convenient, is comfortable. At present obtained the widespread application in the elevator profession. In the layer and the control function few situations; use the PLC control to be advantageous.
   This thesis elaborates the structure and the working principle of the elevator, so does the programmable logic controller. This elevator control system is designed with the six elevator for research object, using Siemens S7-200 PLC as development platform. The design of the elevator control system could be divided into hardware design and software of design. As the most significant part, the program contain seven parts, such as the display of the elevator position, the registration and elimination of the internal signal, the registration and elimination of the external signal, the registration and elimination of the parking signal, the movement direction, the operation of the elevator and the door. The elevator realizes the control requirements below: responsing floor summon signal automaticly, responsing elevator car internal signal automaticly, displaying elevator car position automaticly, displaying elevator running direction automaticly, automaticly and manually switching the door and so on. What’s more, since the main motor is controled through the inverter, it could realize acceleration and deceleration smoothly, and meet the needs of comfort.
   In this thesis, the revelant simulation software is used to debug the program. No matter which button is pressed, the elevator will satisfy the reasonable request of the passage. The elevator could meet the control requirements given on the design instruction and complete the right operation of the elevator. 
Keywords:Frequency transformer;Elevator;Control System;Programmable Logic Controller

摘要 1
Abstract 2
绪论 3
1.变频计数的现状及发展趋势 3
2.电梯现状及发展趋势 4
3.课题研究的意义及内容 4
1 电梯和PLC的简介 6
1.1电梯结构及特点 6
1.2电梯的组成[9] 6
1.3 PLC结构及特点 8
1.4 PLC电梯控制系统设计方法 9
2  变频器的选择与研究 12
2.1 速度运行曲线研究 12
2.2 变频器的作用 12
2.3 变频器的工作原理 13
2.4 变频器的选择与参数设置 14
2.4.1变频器的选择 14
2.4.2变频器的参数设置 15
2.5 变频器的速度矢量PID控制 16
3  电梯控制系统的硬件设计 18
3.1 系统分析 18
3.1.1 系统控制要求 18
3.2 PLC选型 19
3.2.1 PLC控制系统的I/O点数计算与地址分配 19
3.2.2 CPU以及扩展模块的选择 21
3.2.3 PLC的外部接线图 21
4  电梯控制系统的软件设计 23
4.1 楼层位置显示 23
4.2 内呼指令的记忆和消除 25
4.3 外呼指令的记忆和消除 25
4.4 停车指令的产生和消除 26
4.5 电梯的定向 27
4.6 运行与减速停车 29
4.7 开关门程序 30
5 控制系统仿真和程序调试 33
6 抗干扰分析 36
6.1 电缆的选择 36
6.2 电梯监控系统的布线技巧 36
6.3 电源干扰及其它干扰因素 36
6.4 电梯干扰的避免和解决办法 37
结   论 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 41