论文 基于rfid的物品跟踪与追溯系统研究.doc
论文 基于rfid的物品跟踪与追溯系统研究,论文 基于rfid的物品跟踪与追溯系统研究10页共计11520字摘要:传统rfid中间件缺乏rfid业务事件的应用定义和技术实现研究。针对供应链全过程的物品跟踪和追溯需求,提出了基于rfid的物品跟踪模型和追溯方法;按照应用业务类型对rfid事件分类,使用rfid事件的xml元素来描述和存储物品的物流信息;通过缓存优先...

此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布
论文 基于RFID的物品跟踪与追溯系统研究
摘要:传统RFID中间件缺乏RFID业务事件的应用定义和技术实现研究。针对供应链全过程的物品跟踪和追溯需求,提出了基于RFID的物品跟踪模型和追溯方法;按照应用业务类型对RFID事件分类,使用RFID事件的XML元素来描述和存储物品的物流信息;通过缓存优先级排队规则处理并发RFID复杂事件,将RFID事件与业务单据进行了业务集成。详细介绍了跟踪系统的功能模块,使用web Service服务和手机短信实现了追溯信息的查询,该系统应用于大型酒厂的产品防伪防窜货管理。
Research on Products Tracking and Tracing System Based on RFID technology
Abstract: Traditional RFID middleware does not research the business definition and implementation of RFID event. Considering the requirement of the tracking and traceability of product in the supply chain, a new tracking and tracing model of products logistics based on RFID was put forward. According to the business model of application, the classification and definition of the RFID events were designed XML element was used to describe and store the status of product’s logistics. Through processing RFID complicated event with buffered priority queue rule, RFID events can be integrated with the business orders. The system function was presented, and RFID-based traceability of product was realized through two methods of web service and mobile message. A RFID application system of winery which is used for anti-counterfeiting and logistics tracking was described.
Key Words: Radio frequency identification; Tracking and Tracing of product; RFID Event
[1]王俊宇, 闵昊. 面向物流的RFID应用系统研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2007, 43(13): 22-25.
[2]曹江涛, 彭亚拉. 建设基于供应链的食用农产品安全信息管理系统—全程保障食品安全[J]. 食品科学, 2007,(5): 353-357.
[3]王华兵,何大军,魏凤,等.基于RFID 的可跟踪追溯平台研究与设计[J]. 微计算机信息》( 嵌入式与SOC)待确认,2008, 24(10-2): 199-201
[4]操颖平. RFID公关服务体系技术研究与开发[D].上海交通大学硕士论文,2008.
[5]郭曼,朱海鹏,郦 晶.基于数据网格的RFID 农产品跟踪与追溯系统研究[J].农机化研究,2007,(11): 101-104.
[6]李辉,刘国栋等. 电子标签技术在出口鳗鱼产品监管中的应用研究[J].中国国境卫生检疫杂志,2007,30 (6): 379-382.
[7] Mamei M , Quaglieri R , Zambonelli F. Making tuplespaces physical with RFID tags[C] // The ACM Symposium of Applied Computing. New York : ACM Press , 2006 : 434-439.
[8] 闫新庆,尹周平,熊有伦.无线射频识别系统中的事件处理机制[J].华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2008,36( 9):45-48.
[9] 赵新超,金蓓弘,余双,等. 面向无线射频识别应用的复合订阅匹配
摘要:传统RFID中间件缺乏RFID业务事件的应用定义和技术实现研究。针对供应链全过程的物品跟踪和追溯需求,提出了基于RFID的物品跟踪模型和追溯方法;按照应用业务类型对RFID事件分类,使用RFID事件的XML元素来描述和存储物品的物流信息;通过缓存优先级排队规则处理并发RFID复杂事件,将RFID事件与业务单据进行了业务集成。详细介绍了跟踪系统的功能模块,使用web Service服务和手机短信实现了追溯信息的查询,该系统应用于大型酒厂的产品防伪防窜货管理。
Research on Products Tracking and Tracing System Based on RFID technology
Abstract: Traditional RFID middleware does not research the business definition and implementation of RFID event. Considering the requirement of the tracking and traceability of product in the supply chain, a new tracking and tracing model of products logistics based on RFID was put forward. According to the business model of application, the classification and definition of the RFID events were designed XML element was used to describe and store the status of product’s logistics. Through processing RFID complicated event with buffered priority queue rule, RFID events can be integrated with the business orders. The system function was presented, and RFID-based traceability of product was realized through two methods of web service and mobile message. A RFID application system of winery which is used for anti-counterfeiting and logistics tracking was described.
Key Words: Radio frequency identification; Tracking and Tracing of product; RFID Event
[1]王俊宇, 闵昊. 面向物流的RFID应用系统研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用,2007, 43(13): 22-25.
[2]曹江涛, 彭亚拉. 建设基于供应链的食用农产品安全信息管理系统—全程保障食品安全[J]. 食品科学, 2007,(5): 353-357.
[3]王华兵,何大军,魏凤,等.基于RFID 的可跟踪追溯平台研究与设计[J]. 微计算机信息》( 嵌入式与SOC)待确认,2008, 24(10-2): 199-201
[4]操颖平. RFID公关服务体系技术研究与开发[D].上海交通大学硕士论文,2008.
[5]郭曼,朱海鹏,郦 晶.基于数据网格的RFID 农产品跟踪与追溯系统研究[J].农机化研究,2007,(11): 101-104.
[6]李辉,刘国栋等. 电子标签技术在出口鳗鱼产品监管中的应用研究[J].中国国境卫生检疫杂志,2007,30 (6): 379-382.
[7] Mamei M , Quaglieri R , Zambonelli F. Making tuplespaces physical with RFID tags[C] // The ACM Symposium of Applied Computing. New York : ACM Press , 2006 : 434-439.
[8] 闫新庆,尹周平,熊有伦.无线射频识别系统中的事件处理机制[J].华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2008,36( 9):45-48.
[9] 赵新超,金蓓弘,余双,等. 面向无线射频识别应用的复合订阅匹配
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