

气态甲醛的二氧化钛光催化氧化:原位红外光谱研究[外文翻译],材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文photocatalytic oxidation of gaseous formaldehyde on tio2:an in situ drifts study气态甲醛的二氧化钛光催化氧化:原位红外光谱研究abstract the adsorption and phot...
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原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布

材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文

Photocatalytic Oxidation of Gaseous Formaldehyde on TiO2:An In Situ DRIFTS Study


Abstract The adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation offormaldehyde on the pure TiO2under dry and humidconditions were studied by in situ diffuse reflectanceFourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It was found thatthe formaldehyde molecules can be adsorbed on thehydroxyl groups on the TiO2surface via hydrogen bonding.With UV irradiation, the adsorbed formaldehyde rapidlyconverts to the formate species even on the pure TiO2atroom temperature and atmospheric pressure. In the dryenvironment, the superoxide radical anion O2- , formed byadsorbed oxygen reacting with electrons, is suggested toplay an important role in the formaldehyde oxidation. Theintroduction of water vapor provides a large amount ofwater and hydroxyl groups on the catalyst surface. Oxi-dation of water and hydroxyl groups by the photogeneratedholes produces very active OH radicals, which take part inthe redox reactions and improve significantly the mineral-ization rate of formaldehyde on the TiO2due to its highredox potential.
