

钽酸铜混合导电性的研究报告[外文翻译],材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文investigations on the mixed conductivity of copper tantalate钽酸铜混合导电性的研究报告abstractpolycrystals of cuta,o, were prepared by solid-state r...
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原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布

材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文

Investigations on the mixed conductivity of copper tantalate


Polycrystals of CuTa,O, were prepared by solid-state reaction in air at 1200°C with variations of stoichiometry (x) in thecopper oxide ratio. They were examined by X-ray diffraction. A defect of copper oxide during the synthesis leads to anexcess of Ta,O, phase in the sample and an excess of copper oxide gives a single phase compound. The total conductivitywas determined by impedance measurements and the electronic conductivity was estimated by the Hebb-Wagner method. Atroom temperature, the total conductivity of samples in equilibrium with copper is about 10-7-10~h S cm-‘. No significantchanges were observed for x = 0.8 and 1.O, but the total and the partial conductivities are higher for x = 1.2.In all cases, themeasured electronic conductivity seems to be mainly of n-type and the electronic transport number is close to 0.5-0.6,independent of the temperature and stoichiometry. The nature of the mixed conduction is discussed in relation to Cu’ ions inthe structure.

CuTa2O6多晶通过固相反应在空气中1200摄氏度时反应得到,其中氧化铜的化学计量(X)会有变化。通过X-射线衍射检查,合成过程中的氧化铜的一种缺陷导致Ta2O5过量,样品中的相与过量的氧化铜会得到一种单相化合物。总电导率的测定由阻抗测量和电子电导率的估计组成,叫做海伯-瓦格纳法。在室温下,在铜平衡的样品的总导电率约10-7-10-6 Scm-1。观察得到当X=0.8和X=1时,电导率没有什么明显变化,但是在X=1.2时,总电导率和部分电导率比较高。在所有情况下,测得的电子传导性主要是n型导电,而且电子迁移数接近0.5-0.6,有独立的温度和化学计量。通过结构中的铜离子来讨论混合传导的性质。