嵌段聚合物诱导纳米棒自组装 [外文翻译].zip
嵌段聚合物诱导纳米棒自组装 [外文翻译],材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文direct nanorod assembly using block copolymer-basedsupramoleculesabstract: developing routes to control the organizationof one-dimensio...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文
Direct Nanorod Assembly Using Block Copolymer-BasedSupramolecules
Developing routes to control the organizationof one-dimensional nanomaterials, such as nanorods, with highprecision is critical to generate functional materials since thecollective properties depend on their spatial arrangements,interparticle ordering, and macroscopic alignment. We havesystematically investigated the coassemblies of nanorods andblock copolymer (BCP)-based supramolecules and showedthat the energetic contributions from nanorod ligand polymerinteractions, polymer chain deformation, and rod rodinteractions are comparable and can be tailored to dispersenanorods with control over inter-rod ordering and thealignment of nanorods within BCP microdomains. By varying the supramolecular morphology and chemical nature of thenanorods, two highly sought-after morphologies, that is, nanoscopic networks of nanorods and nanorod arrays parallel tocylindrical BCP microdomains can be obtained. The supramolecular approach can be applied to achieve morphological control innanorod-containing nanocomposites toward fabrication of optical and electronic nanodevices.
Direct Nanorod Assembly Using Block Copolymer-BasedSupramolecules
Developing routes to control the organizationof one-dimensional nanomaterials, such as nanorods, with highprecision is critical to generate functional materials since thecollective properties depend on their spatial arrangements,interparticle ordering, and macroscopic alignment. We havesystematically investigated the coassemblies of nanorods andblock copolymer (BCP)-based supramolecules and showedthat the energetic contributions from nanorod ligand polymerinteractions, polymer chain deformation, and rod rodinteractions are comparable and can be tailored to dispersenanorods with control over inter-rod ordering and thealignment of nanorods within BCP microdomains. By varying the supramolecular morphology and chemical nature of thenanorods, two highly sought-after morphologies, that is, nanoscopic networks of nanorods and nanorod arrays parallel tocylindrical BCP microdomains can be obtained. The supramolecular approach can be applied to achieve morphological control innanorod-containing nanocomposites toward fabrication of optical and electronic nanodevices.
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