zno退火缓冲层在al2o3衬底上增长的外延膜的增强特性和结构特性 [外文翻译].zip
zno退火缓冲层在al2o3衬底上增长的外延膜的增强特性和结构特性 [外文翻译],材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文中文2760字enhancement of the surface and structural properties of znoepitaxial films grown on al2o3substrates utilizing annealed znobuffer...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文
Enhancement of the surface and structural properties of ZnOepitaxial films grown on Al2O3substrates utilizing annealed ZnObuffer layers
ZnO films were grown on Al2O3(1000) sub-strates without and with ZnO buffer layers by using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Atomic force microscopyimages showed that the surface roughness of the ZnO filmsgrown on ZnO buffer layers annealed in a vacuum was de-creased, indicative of an improvement in the ZnO surfaces.X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the crystallinity of theZnO thin films was enhanced by using the annealed ZnObuffer layer in comparison with the film grown on withouta buffer layer. The improvement of the surface and struc-tural properties of the ZnO films might be attributed to theformation of the Zn-face ZnO buffers due to annealing in avacuum. These results indicate that the surface and struc-tural properties of ZnO films grown on Al2O3substratesare improved by using ZnO buffer layers annealed in avacuum.
摘 要
Enhancement of the surface and structural properties of ZnOepitaxial films grown on Al2O3substrates utilizing annealed ZnObuffer layers
ZnO films were grown on Al2O3(1000) sub-strates without and with ZnO buffer layers by using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Atomic force microscopyimages showed that the surface roughness of the ZnO filmsgrown on ZnO buffer layers annealed in a vacuum was de-creased, indicative of an improvement in the ZnO surfaces.X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the crystallinity of theZnO thin films was enhanced by using the annealed ZnObuffer layer in comparison with the film grown on withouta buffer layer. The improvement of the surface and struc-tural properties of the ZnO films might be attributed to theformation of the Zn-face ZnO buffers due to annealing in avacuum. These results indicate that the surface and struc-tural properties of ZnO films grown on Al2O3substratesare improved by using ZnO buffer layers annealed in avacuum.
摘 要