室内含有voc时个性化通风系统对空气质量的影响 [外文翻译].zip
室内含有voc时个性化通风系统对空气质量的影响 [外文翻译],材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文effect of the personalized ventilation on indoor air quality for an indoor occupantwith vocs emission from carpet室内含有voc时个性化通风系统对空气质量的影...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文
Effect of the personalized ventilation on indoor air quality for an indoor occupantwith VOCs emission from carpet
Personalized ventilation (PV) is aimed to improve the quality of inhaled air by delivering clean, humidified and temperature-controlledair directly to occupants’ breathing zone. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of PV devices on the concentrations ofvolatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from carpet and the temperature around an occupant in an office. Numerical simulationswere conducted using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) commercial software FLUENT 6.3 for solving the continuity, momentum,energy, turbulence and concentration equations, and the simulation results were validated against the existing experimental data [1]. Per-sonal exposure effectiveness (PEE) and manikin-based equivalent temperature change (△Teq) were used as indices to eva luate the per-formance of the PV. The results showed that the existence of the PV device greatly influenced the temperature and VOCs distributionsaround the occupant, but had little effect on those in the other parts of the office. Two eva luation indices increased with an increase of airflow rate. However, PV’s airflow rate had larger influence on Manikin-based equivalent temperature change than that on personalizedexposure effectiveness. The ventilation strategies had a great influence on the two eva luation indices, and both of them decreased with anincrease of ventilation rate. The findings of this research could contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and the improvement ofutilization of PV devices.
摘要:个性化通风(PV)主要是通过直接向居住者呼吸空气区域提供清洁、调湿、温度控制以提高吸入空气的质量。本文旨在探讨个性化通风系统对从地毯中挥发出的VOC浓度和室内温度的影响。数值模拟采用的是计算流体动力学(CFD)商业软件FLUENT 6.3解决连续性、动量、能源、波动和浓度方程,仿真结果验证了现有的实验数据[1]。个人暴露有效性基于人体模型等效温度变化(△Teq)作为指标来评估PV的性能,结果表明,PV的存在极大地影响居住者呼吸空气区域温度和有机挥发性化合物的分布,但对其他部分没有任何影响。两个评价指数随着空气流率的增加而增加。然而,PV的气流速率对等效温度变化的影响大于PEE。通风策略对这两个评价指标有很大的影响,它们都随着通风率的增加而降低。本研究的发现可能有助于降低能耗和提高PV系统的效率。
Effect of the personalized ventilation on indoor air quality for an indoor occupantwith VOCs emission from carpet
Personalized ventilation (PV) is aimed to improve the quality of inhaled air by delivering clean, humidified and temperature-controlledair directly to occupants’ breathing zone. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of PV devices on the concentrations ofvolatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from carpet and the temperature around an occupant in an office. Numerical simulationswere conducted using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) commercial software FLUENT 6.3 for solving the continuity, momentum,energy, turbulence and concentration equations, and the simulation results were validated against the existing experimental data [1]. Per-sonal exposure effectiveness (PEE) and manikin-based equivalent temperature change (△Teq) were used as indices to eva luate the per-formance of the PV. The results showed that the existence of the PV device greatly influenced the temperature and VOCs distributionsaround the occupant, but had little effect on those in the other parts of the office. Two eva luation indices increased with an increase of airflow rate. However, PV’s airflow rate had larger influence on Manikin-based equivalent temperature change than that on personalizedexposure effectiveness. The ventilation strategies had a great influence on the two eva luation indices, and both of them decreased with anincrease of ventilation rate. The findings of this research could contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and the improvement ofutilization of PV devices.
摘要:个性化通风(PV)主要是通过直接向居住者呼吸空气区域提供清洁、调湿、温度控制以提高吸入空气的质量。本文旨在探讨个性化通风系统对从地毯中挥发出的VOC浓度和室内温度的影响。数值模拟采用的是计算流体动力学(CFD)商业软件FLUENT 6.3解决连续性、动量、能源、波动和浓度方程,仿真结果验证了现有的实验数据[1]。个人暴露有效性基于人体模型等效温度变化(△Teq)作为指标来评估PV的性能,结果表明,PV的存在极大地影响居住者呼吸空气区域温度和有机挥发性化合物的分布,但对其他部分没有任何影响。两个评价指数随着空气流率的增加而增加。然而,PV的气流速率对等效温度变化的影响大于PEE。通风策略对这两个评价指标有很大的影响,它们都随着通风率的增加而降低。本研究的发现可能有助于降低能耗和提高PV系统的效率。