空气流动速度对中等活动水平人体热舒适的影响,材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文the effect of air velocity on thermal comfort at moderate activity levels空气流动速度对中等活动水平人体热舒适的影响abstractthe primary purpose of this study...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
材料科学与工程 材料物理与化学,外文文献翻译及原文
The effect of air velocity on thermal comfort at moderate activity levels
The primary purpose of this study was to determine if the thermal comfort of subjects workingat a moderate level of activity (2.3 MET)was improved or adversely affected by air motion.second purpose of the study was to compareexperimental results with the predicted responsesgiven by the Fanger thermal comfort model and the Azer thermal response model. Tests wereconducted with subjects wearing 0.65 clo and 1.09 clo of clothing insulation and with relativeair velocities of approximately 40 fpm (0.20 m/s) and 240 fpm (1.2 m/s). The air temperaturewas varied over a range selected to include the optimumcomfort level. The results indicatethat comfort is as good, if not better, with the higher air velocity. The experimentalresults showeda higher sensitivity to temperature than predicted by either model.
The effect of air velocity on thermal comfort at moderate activity levels
The primary purpose of this study was to determine if the thermal comfort of subjects workingat a moderate level of activity (2.3 MET)was improved or adversely affected by air motion.second purpose of the study was to compareexperimental results with the predicted responsesgiven by the Fanger thermal comfort model and the Azer thermal response model. Tests wereconducted with subjects wearing 0.65 clo and 1.09 clo of clothing insulation and with relativeair velocities of approximately 40 fpm (0.20 m/s) and 240 fpm (1.2 m/s). The air temperaturewas varied over a range selected to include the optimumcomfort level. The results indicatethat comfort is as good, if not better, with the higher air velocity. The experimentalresults showeda higher sensitivity to temperature than predicted by either model.