
原文档由会员 ryan_edu 发布摘要
The CFB is the new combustion equipment which is developed in the recent years, it has the advantages of be widely adapt to fuels, be good for environment, load adjustment well, burning intensity is big, heat transfer is strong in the firebox and so on. So, it is widely applied in the world. Especially in China, the technology of CFB is made great progress in the recent years. Our country opens the beginning of developing the circulation fluid bed boiler technology from on century 80's,and simultaneously adopts the introduction and the self-development two political lines, we are already completely had grasped the design and manufacture technology for middle and small scale circulation fluid bed boiler at present.
At first,this paper introduces the circulating fluidized bed boiler's history of development, system composition, course of work and main type, then the most important part of boiler thermodynamic calculation is introduced.
This paper fully discusses the calculation and design process of CFB, mainly include thermal calculation, smoke resistance calculation. Thermodynamic calculation of the furnace include calculation of high temperature super heater, low temperature super heater, economizer and air preheater of calculation. Smoke-wind resistance calculation include calculation of flue resistance and air resistance calculation.
In the thermodynamic calculation the heat transfer, fluid mechanics, combustion courses and relevant basic knowledge is used, and also I consult the relevant literature.
Finally, I draw the general arrangement diagram and cross-section drawn of the boiler with Auto-CAD.
KEY WORDS: circulating fluidized bedboiler,structural design,thermodynamic calculation
摘要 I
1 文献综述 1
1.1锅炉概述 1
1.2锅炉在火力发电厂中的作用 2
1.3锅炉设备的构成 3
1.3.1锅炉本体设备 4
1.3.2锅炉辅助设备 6
1.4锅炉的工作原理 7
1.5锅炉的主要类型 8
1.6煤粉电站锅炉的发展 12
1.7煤粉炉的优点 16
1.8锅炉的安全和经济指标 17
2 方案选定 18
2.1 方案论证 18
2.1.1 锅炉类型 18
2.1.2 锅炉的整体布置 19
2.1.3 燃烧方法选择 19
2.1.4 煤粉制备系统 19
2.1.5 汽水流程 19
2.1.6 烟风系统 20
2.2 设计产品概述 21
3 设计计算 23
3.1 基本数据 23
3.1.1 设计煤种(淮南烟煤) 23
3.1.2 石灰石 24
3.2 燃烧计算 24
3.2.1 无脱硫工况时的燃烧计算 24
3.2.2 锅炉各受热面处烟道漏风系数 25
3.2.3 脱硫计算 25
3.2.4 脱硫工况时受热面中燃烧产物的平均特性 28
3.2.5 脱硫工况时燃烧产物焓温表 30
3.3 锅炉热力计算 32
3.3.1 锅炉设计参数 32
3.3.2 锅炉热平衡及燃料和石灰石消耗量 33
3.3.3 炉膛膜式水冷壁传热系数计算 35
3.3.4 炉膛汽冷屏传热系数计算 37
3.3.5 汽冷旋风分离器热力计算 43
3.4 炉膛结构计算 46
3.4.1 炉膛膜式水冷壁结构计算 46
3.4.2 炉膛汽冷屏结构计算 50
3.4.3 炉膛汽冷旋风分离器结构计算 52
3.5 炉膛总体热力计算 55
3.6 过热器和再热器结构及热力计算 60
3.6.1 高温过热器结构及热力计算 60
3.6.2 低温过热器结构及热力计算 66
3.6.3 低温再热器结构及热力计算 71
3.7 省煤器和空气预热器结构及热力计算 76
3.7.1 省煤器结构及热力计算 76
3.7.2 空气预热器结构及热力计算 82
3.8 热力计算主要参数及误差检查 88
3.9 锅炉循环回路烟风阻力计算 89
3.9.1 炉膛烟风阻力计算 89
3.9.2 旋风分离器烟风阻力计算 93
3.9.3 回料器烟风阻力计算 98
结论 106
致谢 107
参考文献 108