

内部控制特征与作用框架构建措施与办法,毕业论文 26页共计19668字摘 要内部控制制度是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是现代企业管理的重要手段。不断完善企业内部控制制度,对于防范舞弊,减少损失,提高资本的再生能力具有积极的意义。内部控制是形成一系列具有控制职能的方法、措施、程序,并予以规范化和系统化,使之成为一个严密的...
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毕业论文 内部控制特征与作用框架构建措施与办法


摘 要



Internal management system is the product of the society, which develops to a certain stage, and the important means of moden enterprises. The continuous development of this system in the enterprises makes active sense to prevent from cheating, to decrease the damage, and to ehance the renewing ability of capital. Internal management system is a system, which produces a range of methods. Measures and programs of management, and makes them formal, systematic and perfect. The change of this system tells us that keeping the reality of account information, is the main, line of the development of internal management system, controlling account is the center, the goal of internal management appears in multiplex tendencies, througe the improvement of the system, the framework of internal management plays a role of supervision, and management. In the company’s system arrangement, and is an essential part of management in the processes of reforming the framework. We must take the strategies step by seep. The below are the key points: to make the management institutes perfect, to clear the rights and responsibilities of management, to establish the board’s control, position in the framework of internal management, to form internal scrutiny, to strengthen, the management of budget, and to draft up moral specifications and behavior’s norms.
There fore, establishing the internal management system is not only the basic account......

目 录

前言 5
第一章、内部控制的发展及其含义 6-8
第二章、企业内部控制的基本特征 8-9
第三章、内部控制的主要作用 9-10
一、有效的内部控制综合框架 10-11
二、内部控制框架与公司治理的关系 11-12
三、采取分步走的战略建立内都控制框架 12-12
四、内部控制框架构建中的关键因素 12-14
一、 我国内部控制制度的现状
(一)、我国企业实施内部控制所取得的效益 14-15
(二)、我国企业内部控制中存在的问题 15-18
(三)、原因分析 18-19
二、应采取解决问题的措施 19-21
一、内部控制的设计原则 22-22
二、了解企业内部控制的固有限制 22-24
三、内部控制应处理好的其他关系 24-26
第七章 结论 26
参考资料 26

关键字: 内部控制 特征与作用 框架构建 措施与办法

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4、《高级审计实务》. 中国注册会计师协会 香港会计师公会. 经济科学出版社. 1998
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6、文硕. 《世界审计史》. 企业管理出版社. 1996. 第二版