基于tm1300的视频编解码论文,基于tm1300的视频编解码论文5.7万字 81页 摘 要随着社会的进步,工业的发展,人们对通信的要求越来越高,尤其近二十年以来随着ic技术和网络技术的飞速发展,人们对通信的需求逐渐转向以视音频通信为主的多媒体通信上来。在我们的生活当中已经有很多视频通信的应用,如基于pstn的可视电话,各种无人操作场合的监控系统等。所...
原文档由会员 2008wan 发布
5.7万字 81页
摘 要
视频编解码的核心是视频压缩协议。目前ITU已经有不少视频压缩的标准,如H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.263++, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MJPEG以及基于离散小波变换(DWT)的图像压缩编码。究竟选择哪种标准取决于系统的清晰度要求以及信道的带宽。H.263协议和MPEG-2协议是两种应用最为广泛的视频编解码协议,H.263主要应用在低码率、对图像的质量要求不是特别高的场合,MPEG-2主要应用在高码率、要求高清晰度图像质量的地方。
With the progress of society and development of industry, people have advanced more and more demand for communication. Especially during the past twenty years, the need of people on communication is converted to multimedia communication because of the fast improvement of the IC technology and the network. There are some of implement of video communication around us, such as video phone based on PSTN, and monitor system. Video decoder is a essential component of these systems. It ,besides video encoder,consist of a video codec terminal.
The core of codec is video compression standard. Up to now, there are several video compression standards, such as H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.263++, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MJPEG and standard based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Which standard to use is decided by the image quality demand of the system and the bandwidth of corresponding channel. H.263 and MPEG-2 are two of the most wildly used standards. H.263 is mainly used in low bitrate and low demand on picture quality occasion while MPEG-2 is used in high bitrate and low demand on picture quality occasion.
Based upon the conditions described above, we have designed a video codec system using DSP which can encode and decode H.263 or MPEG-2 video stream. My tast is to design H.263 and MPEG-2 decoder. So the two decoder is the theme of this paper.
In the first chapter the background of multimedia and my tast are introduced. In the second chapter I will concisely state the H.263 and MPEG-2 standard respectively. Then the hardware architecture of the system is introduced in Chapter3. Chapter4 and Chapter5 depict the implement of the H.263 decoder. In Chapter7 a co-operator, VLD, which is very useful in decoding MPEG-2 video stream is introduced. In Chapter8 I depict how to accomplish the MPEG-2 decoder using VLD on PSOS OS. At last, some advices are proposed to give direction to the following work.
[keywords] H.263,MPEG-2,video decoder,TM1300,VLD,post-filter
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 概述 1
§1.1 多媒体视频通信 1
§1.2 数字视频编解码背景 1
§1.3 任务简介 2
第2章 视频压缩协议介绍 3
§2.1 低比特率视频编解码标准——H.263 3
§2.1.1 H.263标准简介 4
§2.1.2 H.263的码流结构 5
§2.2 MPEG-2简介 8
§2.2.1 标准简介 8
§2.2.2 MPEG-2码流结构 9
第3章 硬件设计描述 12
§3.1 用可编程媒体处理芯片实现的特点 12
§3.1.1 各公司芯片特点和比较 12
§3.1.2 芯片的最终选择 18
§3.2 基于TM1300的视频编解码器 19
第4章 H.263视频解码器的实现 21
§4.1 H.263解码器的基本流程 21
§4.2 可变长解码(huffman解码) 23
§4.3 运动补偿 24
§4.3.1 运动预测 25
§4.3.2 解差分系数 26
§4.3.3 图像重构 27
§4.4 后处理滤波 28
§4.4.1 后处理滤波器 28
§4.4.2 后处理结果分析 31
§4.5 差错控制 32
§4.6 本章小节 34
第5章 H.263视频解码器程序的优化 35
§5.1 优化的基本思想 35
§5.2 基于程序结构的优化 35
§5.2.1 对循环的优化 35
§5.2.2 其他基于程序结构的优化 37
§5.3 基于专用指令的优化 39
§5.3.2 指令QUADAVG 41
§5.4 适合TM1300的DCT/IDCT 43
§5.4.1 一维DCT和IDCT 43
§5.4.2 二维DCT 44
§5.4.3 适用于TRIMEDIA的2D 8*8 DCT/IDCT 46
第6章 H.263视频解码器的应用 52
§6.1 H.323协议简介 52
§6.2 基于H.323的IP可视电话系统组成 52
§6.3 IP可视电话的软件结构 54
§6.3.1 初始化模块 54
§6.3.2 呼叫连接和释放模块 54
§6.3.3 多媒体处理模块 54
第7章 VLD简介 56
§7.1 VLD 简介 56
§7.2 VLD的操作 56
§7.3 VLD的输入、输出 57
§7.3.1 MB头的输出 57
§7.3.2 DCT系数的输出 58
§7.4 MMIO寄存器 59
第8章 MPEG-2解码器的实现 61
§8.1 可变长解码 61
§8.1.1 head解码 61
§8.1.2 运用VLD解MB头 62
§8.1.3 DCT系数解码 63
§8.2 图像解码 64
§8.2.1 解运动矢量 64
§8.2.2 解宏块 64
§8.2.3 运动补偿 65
§8.3 利用PSOS系统对解码过程的实时调度 65
§8.3.1 Event 66
§8.3.2 实际程序运行流程 67
§8.3.3 程序时序分析 68
§8.4 后处理滤波与差错控制 69
§8.5 本章小节 71
结 束 语 72
参 考 文 献 73
本文作者硕士期间发表的文章 75
致 谢 76
参 考 文 献
[1] ITU-R Recommendation H.263+(1998),Video Coding For Low Bit Rate Communication
[2] ISO/IEC 13818-2:1996 Information technology –Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video International Standard
5.7万字 81页
摘 要
视频编解码的核心是视频压缩协议。目前ITU已经有不少视频压缩的标准,如H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.263++, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MJPEG以及基于离散小波变换(DWT)的图像压缩编码。究竟选择哪种标准取决于系统的清晰度要求以及信道的带宽。H.263协议和MPEG-2协议是两种应用最为广泛的视频编解码协议,H.263主要应用在低码率、对图像的质量要求不是特别高的场合,MPEG-2主要应用在高码率、要求高清晰度图像质量的地方。
With the progress of society and development of industry, people have advanced more and more demand for communication. Especially during the past twenty years, the need of people on communication is converted to multimedia communication because of the fast improvement of the IC technology and the network. There are some of implement of video communication around us, such as video phone based on PSTN, and monitor system. Video decoder is a essential component of these systems. It ,besides video encoder,consist of a video codec terminal.
The core of codec is video compression standard. Up to now, there are several video compression standards, such as H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.263++, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MJPEG and standard based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Which standard to use is decided by the image quality demand of the system and the bandwidth of corresponding channel. H.263 and MPEG-2 are two of the most wildly used standards. H.263 is mainly used in low bitrate and low demand on picture quality occasion while MPEG-2 is used in high bitrate and low demand on picture quality occasion.
Based upon the conditions described above, we have designed a video codec system using DSP which can encode and decode H.263 or MPEG-2 video stream. My tast is to design H.263 and MPEG-2 decoder. So the two decoder is the theme of this paper.
In the first chapter the background of multimedia and my tast are introduced. In the second chapter I will concisely state the H.263 and MPEG-2 standard respectively. Then the hardware architecture of the system is introduced in Chapter3. Chapter4 and Chapter5 depict the implement of the H.263 decoder. In Chapter7 a co-operator, VLD, which is very useful in decoding MPEG-2 video stream is introduced. In Chapter8 I depict how to accomplish the MPEG-2 decoder using VLD on PSOS OS. At last, some advices are proposed to give direction to the following work.
[keywords] H.263,MPEG-2,video decoder,TM1300,VLD,post-filter
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 概述 1
§1.1 多媒体视频通信 1
§1.2 数字视频编解码背景 1
§1.3 任务简介 2
第2章 视频压缩协议介绍 3
§2.1 低比特率视频编解码标准——H.263 3
§2.1.1 H.263标准简介 4
§2.1.2 H.263的码流结构 5
§2.2 MPEG-2简介 8
§2.2.1 标准简介 8
§2.2.2 MPEG-2码流结构 9
第3章 硬件设计描述 12
§3.1 用可编程媒体处理芯片实现的特点 12
§3.1.1 各公司芯片特点和比较 12
§3.1.2 芯片的最终选择 18
§3.2 基于TM1300的视频编解码器 19
第4章 H.263视频解码器的实现 21
§4.1 H.263解码器的基本流程 21
§4.2 可变长解码(huffman解码) 23
§4.3 运动补偿 24
§4.3.1 运动预测 25
§4.3.2 解差分系数 26
§4.3.3 图像重构 27
§4.4 后处理滤波 28
§4.4.1 后处理滤波器 28
§4.4.2 后处理结果分析 31
§4.5 差错控制 32
§4.6 本章小节 34
第5章 H.263视频解码器程序的优化 35
§5.1 优化的基本思想 35
§5.2 基于程序结构的优化 35
§5.2.1 对循环的优化 35
§5.2.2 其他基于程序结构的优化 37
§5.3 基于专用指令的优化 39
§5.3.2 指令QUADAVG 41
§5.4 适合TM1300的DCT/IDCT 43
§5.4.1 一维DCT和IDCT 43
§5.4.2 二维DCT 44
§5.4.3 适用于TRIMEDIA的2D 8*8 DCT/IDCT 46
第6章 H.263视频解码器的应用 52
§6.1 H.323协议简介 52
§6.2 基于H.323的IP可视电话系统组成 52
§6.3 IP可视电话的软件结构 54
§6.3.1 初始化模块 54
§6.3.2 呼叫连接和释放模块 54
§6.3.3 多媒体处理模块 54
第7章 VLD简介 56
§7.1 VLD 简介 56
§7.2 VLD的操作 56
§7.3 VLD的输入、输出 57
§7.3.1 MB头的输出 57
§7.3.2 DCT系数的输出 58
§7.4 MMIO寄存器 59
第8章 MPEG-2解码器的实现 61
§8.1 可变长解码 61
§8.1.1 head解码 61
§8.1.2 运用VLD解MB头 62
§8.1.3 DCT系数解码 63
§8.2 图像解码 64
§8.2.1 解运动矢量 64
§8.2.2 解宏块 64
§8.2.3 运动补偿 65
§8.3 利用PSOS系统对解码过程的实时调度 65
§8.3.1 Event 66
§8.3.2 实际程序运行流程 67
§8.3.3 程序时序分析 68
§8.4 后处理滤波与差错控制 69
§8.5 本章小节 71
结 束 语 72
参 考 文 献 73
本文作者硕士期间发表的文章 75
致 谢 76
参 考 文 献
[1] ITU-R Recommendation H.263+(1998),Video Coding For Low Bit Rate Communication
[2] ISO/IEC 13818-2:1996 Information technology –Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video International Standard