基于51单片机电子密码锁设计,基于51单片机电子锁设计摘 要 随着科技和人们的生活水平的提高,如何实现家庭防盗这一问题也变的尤其的突出,传统机械锁由于构造简单,被撬事件屡见不鲜;电子锁由于其保密性高,使用灵活性好,安全系数高,受到了广大用户的青睐。 本设计以单片机at89c51作为密码锁监控装置的检测和控制核心,分为主机控制和从机执行机构(...

此文档由会员 sllulu 发布基于51单片机电子锁设计
摘 要
Electronic Lock Design with 51 Serires Single Chip Controller
Along with the exaltation of social science and the living level of people, how carry out the family to guard against theft, this problem also change particularly outstanding.Because of the simple construct of traditional machine lock,the affairs of theft is hackneyed.the electronics lock is safer because of its confidentiality, using the vivid good, the safe coefficient is high, being subjected to the large customer close.
It can carry out the key information to register in the main on board initial attestation, the password information encrypt etc. Go to correspond by letter the principle according to the string between 51 machines, this is easy to encrypt and protect to the passwords information random. Adopt the numerical signal codes,not only can carry out many controls of the road information, raise the anti- interference that signal deliver, reduce the mistake action,but also the power consume is low, Respond quickly,the efficiency deliver is high, work stable credibility etc. The software design adoption the design thought from top to bottom, to make the system toward wear distribute type,turn to the direction development of small, strengthen the system and can expand the stability and circulate.Test the result enunciation, various functions of this system are already all request of this design.
keyword:singlechip;cryptogram lock;singlechip design; electronics lock.
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 电子密码锁的背景 1
1.3 电子锁设计的意义的本设计特点 2
2.系统设计 3
2.1系统总设计结构图 3
2.2.开锁机构设计 3
2.2.1主控芯片AT89C51单片机的简介 4
3系统硬件设计 7
3.1键盘设计 7
3.2系统电路设计: 8
3.2.1 晶振时钟电路 8
3.2.2复位电路设计 9
3.2.3串口引脚功能介绍 9
3.2.4 其它引脚 9
3.3电路图的绘制 9
3.3.1 PROTEL 99 SE简介: 12
3.4原器件采购 14
3.5电路焊接 14
4.软件设计 17
4.1 系统软件设计整体思路 17
4.2系统软件设计流程图 18
5 程序调试 19
5.1 程序调试用到的软件及工具 19
5.2 KEIL C51简介 19
5.3 调试过程 19
6 设计总结与展望 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
附录 25