我国进出口贸易对国内通货膨胀的传导分析,我自己的毕业论文,内容格式都非常完整,推荐大家参考使用 20000字摘要 中国的改革开放已经进行了三十多年,在中国经济发生翻天覆地变化的同时也伴随着宏观经济的不稳定,其中通货膨胀现象最为突出。在世界范围内,通货膨胀是各国进行宏观调控的重点内容,也是各国经济学界广泛争议的热点话题。针对于近段时间我国国内的通货膨胀,则...
此文档由会员 littey 发布
The reform and opening-up of China has been continued for more than thirty years. The economy of China has experienced earth-shaking changes. However, it also suffers macro economic instability, of which the most prominent phenomenon is inflation. Inflation is the key factor which countries in macroeconomic regulation as well as the world economics of widespread dispute hot topic around the world. As for the recent domestic inflation, exactly, it is influenced by the import and export trade of our country.
The first part of this paper is the introduction, which introduces the backgrounds, methods, motivation and research significance of it; The second part is literature review; The third part introduces the present situation of our country’ inflation and trade of import and export recent years; The fourth part states the problem of import and export when confronting the international conduction of inflation; The fifth part mainly shows three kinds of inflation pathways which associate import and export with domestic inflation; The sixth part is counter-measures of the author according to the inflation situation; The last section is a conclusion.
After reading immense relative documentations and corresponding data, the paper adopts the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods that find out the conduct ways on domestic inflation from the import and export trade of our country as well as distinct strategies for pathways.
Key words: import and export trade; inflation; consumer price index; conduction analysis
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究意义 3
2 文献综述 4
2.1 国外研究现状 4
2.2 国内研究现状 4
3 我国目前进出口贸易及通货膨胀现状 6
3.1 我国进出口贸易现状 6
3.1.1 进出口总额增速迅猛 6
3.1.2 进出口结构不合理 6
3.2 我国通货膨胀现状 7
3.2.1 我国近期居民消费价格指数走势 7
3.2.2 我国通货膨胀与进出口贸易的联系 8
4 我国进出口贸易在通货膨胀的国际传导中存在的问题 9
4.1 总供给总需求方面存在的问题 9
4.2 贸易收支的货币供给方面存在的问题 9
4.3 初级产品的成本输入方面存在的问题 10
4.4 产业结构方面存在的问题 10
5 我国进出口贸易对通货膨胀的传导分析 11
5.1 总供给总需求的国际传导 11
5.1.1 总供给总需求的国际传导模型 11
5.1.2 我国物价水平受外部需求的影响分析 12
5.2 贸易收支的货币供给传导 13
5.2.1 我国的货币供应量过剩问题探究 14
5.2.2 我国货币供应量对通货膨胀的影响 15
5.3 初级产品的成本输入传导 17
5.3.1 初级成品的成本输入传导分析 17
5.3.2 初级产品成本输入对我国通货膨胀的影响 17
6 我国在应对通货膨胀的国际传导时的应对策略 21
6.1 维护我国总供给总需求的总体平衡 21
6.1.1 对进口和出口规模采取有效的控制 21
6.1.2 降低我国外贸易依存度,拉动国内需求 21
6.2 合理调控基础货币供应量 22
6.2.1 增加黄金储备 22
6.2.2 对巨额外汇储备进行有效消化 23
6.2.3完善人民币汇率制度 23
6.2.4 加大对国外的投资力度,发展“走出去”战略 24
6.3 防治初级产品的成本输入传导 24
6.3.1 应对初级产品成本输入的短期策略 24
6.3.2 应对初级产品成本输入的长期策略 25
结论 26
参考文献 27
附录A 28
附录B 30
致谢 31
The reform and opening-up of China has been continued for more than thirty years. The economy of China has experienced earth-shaking changes. However, it also suffers macro economic instability, of which the most prominent phenomenon is inflation. Inflation is the key factor which countries in macroeconomic regulation as well as the world economics of widespread dispute hot topic around the world. As for the recent domestic inflation, exactly, it is influenced by the import and export trade of our country.
The first part of this paper is the introduction, which introduces the backgrounds, methods, motivation and research significance of it; The second part is literature review; The third part introduces the present situation of our country’ inflation and trade of import and export recent years; The fourth part states the problem of import and export when confronting the international conduction of inflation; The fifth part mainly shows three kinds of inflation pathways which associate import and export with domestic inflation; The sixth part is counter-measures of the author according to the inflation situation; The last section is a conclusion.
After reading immense relative documentations and corresponding data, the paper adopts the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods that find out the conduct ways on domestic inflation from the import and export trade of our country as well as distinct strategies for pathways.
Key words: import and export trade; inflation; consumer price index; conduction analysis
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究意义 3
2 文献综述 4
2.1 国外研究现状 4
2.2 国内研究现状 4
3 我国目前进出口贸易及通货膨胀现状 6
3.1 我国进出口贸易现状 6
3.1.1 进出口总额增速迅猛 6
3.1.2 进出口结构不合理 6
3.2 我国通货膨胀现状 7
3.2.1 我国近期居民消费价格指数走势 7
3.2.2 我国通货膨胀与进出口贸易的联系 8
4 我国进出口贸易在通货膨胀的国际传导中存在的问题 9
4.1 总供给总需求方面存在的问题 9
4.2 贸易收支的货币供给方面存在的问题 9
4.3 初级产品的成本输入方面存在的问题 10
4.4 产业结构方面存在的问题 10
5 我国进出口贸易对通货膨胀的传导分析 11
5.1 总供给总需求的国际传导 11
5.1.1 总供给总需求的国际传导模型 11
5.1.2 我国物价水平受外部需求的影响分析 12
5.2 贸易收支的货币供给传导 13
5.2.1 我国的货币供应量过剩问题探究 14
5.2.2 我国货币供应量对通货膨胀的影响 15
5.3 初级产品的成本输入传导 17
5.3.1 初级成品的成本输入传导分析 17
5.3.2 初级产品成本输入对我国通货膨胀的影响 17
6 我国在应对通货膨胀的国际传导时的应对策略 21
6.1 维护我国总供给总需求的总体平衡 21
6.1.1 对进口和出口规模采取有效的控制 21
6.1.2 降低我国外贸易依存度,拉动国内需求 21
6.2 合理调控基础货币供应量 22
6.2.1 增加黄金储备 22
6.2.2 对巨额外汇储备进行有效消化 23
6.2.3完善人民币汇率制度 23
6.2.4 加大对国外的投资力度,发展“走出去”战略 24
6.3 防治初级产品的成本输入传导 24
6.3.1 应对初级产品成本输入的短期策略 24
6.3.2 应对初级产品成本输入的长期策略 25
结论 26
参考文献 27
附录A 28
附录B 30
致谢 31