中国—东盟自由贸易区经济一体化效应分析,我自己的毕业论文,内容格式都非常完整,推荐大家参考使用 21000字 摘要 在当今世界,经济全球化与区域经济一体化也成为重要的经济发展趋势。而区域经济一体化也在突飞猛进的发展着。欧盟、北美自由贸易区以及2002年11月签署的中国-东盟自由贸易区协议是世界上三大区域经济合作区,也是世界上人口最多的自由贸易区、由发展...

此文档由会员 littey 发布
摘 要
Nowadays, economic globalization and regional economic integration has become an important economic development trends. Regional economic integration is also leaps and bounds. European Union, NAFTA and the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement signed in November 2002 is the world's three major regional economic cooperation zone, are the world's most populous free trade area, the largest free trade by developing countries district.
This paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is an introduction, mainly puts forward the research background, research contents and methods; the second part is the literature review, elaborated the domestic and foreign research present situation; the third part describes the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area profiles; fourth part f this free trade area economic effect analysis; fifth part pointed out the existence of this free trade area problems; the sixth part explains the reason of the existence of the problem; seventh part of the proposed upgrading China ASEAN Free Trade Zone countermeasures.
China - ASEAN free trade zone started on January 1, 2010 st. China - ASEAN Free Trade Area is the most advanced, and the most practical free trade zone. This landmark free trade zone will Chinese foreign trade exchanges and cooperation have an important demonstration of impact. ASEAN free trade area will bring a positive economic effect in China and ASEAN will also have a negative economic effect.
Key words: Free Trade Zone, Economic Integration, Economic Effects.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容及方法 1
1.3 研究目的 2
2文献综述 3
2.1国内研究现状 3
2.2国外研究现状 3
3 中国-东盟自由贸易区概况 6
3.1 中国-东盟自由贸易区的形成 6
3.1.1中国与东盟关系密切发展的需要 6
3.1.2 1997年亚洲金融危机的促使 6
3.2 中国-东盟自由贸易区发展进程 6
4中国-东盟自由贸易区经济效应的分析 10
4.1中国-东盟自由贸易区的静态效应分析 10
4.1.1贸易创造效应 10
4.1.2贸易转移效应 12
4.2中国-东盟自由贸易区的动态效应分析 13
4.2.1刺激竞争、优化资源配置效应 13
4.2.2刺激投资效应 14
5中国-东盟自由贸易区发展进程中存在的问题 15
5.1区域内市场容量有限 15
5.2东盟区内贸易自由化具有封闭性 15
5.3贸易结构较为相似 15
5.4双方合作与互信亟待增强 16
6中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的影响分析 17
6.1中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的有利影响 17
6.1.1关税降低的经济效应 17
6.1.2非关税壁垒减少的效应 17
6.1.3服务贸易效应 17
6.1.4产业内分工和产业内调整的效应 18
6.1.5刺激投资效应 18
6.1.6规模经济效应 19
6.2中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的不利影响 19
6.2.1经济发展差异导致合作进程不一致及效率降低 19
6.2.2经济结构相似性与竞争性导致的福利水平下降 20
6.2.3区域运行机制的不确定性导致合作效率损失 20
6.2.4领导权缺失造成合作成本的提高 21
7提升中国-东盟自由贸易区一体化层次的对策 23
7.1促进贸易结构合理化 23
7.2扩大中国与东盟成员国相互投资规模 23
7.3扩展经济合作领域 23
7.4出口商品市场多元化,技术标准国际化,突破非关税壁垒 24
7.5技术标准国际化 25
结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28
摘 要
Nowadays, economic globalization and regional economic integration has become an important economic development trends. Regional economic integration is also leaps and bounds. European Union, NAFTA and the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement signed in November 2002 is the world's three major regional economic cooperation zone, are the world's most populous free trade area, the largest free trade by developing countries district.
This paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is an introduction, mainly puts forward the research background, research contents and methods; the second part is the literature review, elaborated the domestic and foreign research present situation; the third part describes the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area profiles; fourth part f this free trade area economic effect analysis; fifth part pointed out the existence of this free trade area problems; the sixth part explains the reason of the existence of the problem; seventh part of the proposed upgrading China ASEAN Free Trade Zone countermeasures.
China - ASEAN free trade zone started on January 1, 2010 st. China - ASEAN Free Trade Area is the most advanced, and the most practical free trade zone. This landmark free trade zone will Chinese foreign trade exchanges and cooperation have an important demonstration of impact. ASEAN free trade area will bring a positive economic effect in China and ASEAN will also have a negative economic effect.
Key words: Free Trade Zone, Economic Integration, Economic Effects.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容及方法 1
1.3 研究目的 2
2文献综述 3
2.1国内研究现状 3
2.2国外研究现状 3
3 中国-东盟自由贸易区概况 6
3.1 中国-东盟自由贸易区的形成 6
3.1.1中国与东盟关系密切发展的需要 6
3.1.2 1997年亚洲金融危机的促使 6
3.2 中国-东盟自由贸易区发展进程 6
4中国-东盟自由贸易区经济效应的分析 10
4.1中国-东盟自由贸易区的静态效应分析 10
4.1.1贸易创造效应 10
4.1.2贸易转移效应 12
4.2中国-东盟自由贸易区的动态效应分析 13
4.2.1刺激竞争、优化资源配置效应 13
4.2.2刺激投资效应 14
5中国-东盟自由贸易区发展进程中存在的问题 15
5.1区域内市场容量有限 15
5.2东盟区内贸易自由化具有封闭性 15
5.3贸易结构较为相似 15
5.4双方合作与互信亟待增强 16
6中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的影响分析 17
6.1中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的有利影响 17
6.1.1关税降低的经济效应 17
6.1.2非关税壁垒减少的效应 17
6.1.3服务贸易效应 17
6.1.4产业内分工和产业内调整的效应 18
6.1.5刺激投资效应 18
6.1.6规模经济效应 19
6.2中国-东盟自由贸易区对我国经贸的不利影响 19
6.2.1经济发展差异导致合作进程不一致及效率降低 19
6.2.2经济结构相似性与竞争性导致的福利水平下降 20
6.2.3区域运行机制的不确定性导致合作效率损失 20
6.2.4领导权缺失造成合作成本的提高 21
7提升中国-东盟自由贸易区一体化层次的对策 23
7.1促进贸易结构合理化 23
7.2扩大中国与东盟成员国相互投资规模 23
7.3扩展经济合作领域 23
7.4出口商品市场多元化,技术标准国际化,突破非关税壁垒 24
7.5技术标准国际化 25
结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28