吉林省利用外商直接投资的对策分析,我自己原创的毕业论文,内容格式都非常完整,推荐大家参考使用 16400字摘要 外商直接投资(fdi)是外资经济的重要一部分,且在长时期的运作过程中给我国带来了先进的技术与知识,在我国的经济建设中起到了至关重要的作用。吉林省在利用fdi的过程中,逐步积累经验并取得了良好的成效,但仍存在着许多关键性的问题。因此,分析吉...
此文档由会员 littey 发布
Foreign direct investment is an important part of foreign capital economy, which has brought in advanced technology and knowledge in a long period operation process in China, and it has played an important role in the economic construction of our country. Jilin province gradually accumulated experience and has achieved good results in the process of using foreign direct investment. But there are still many critical issues. Therefore, it has certain practical significance to analyze the current situation of FDI of Jilin province and to put forward effective policy suggestions.
This article contains eight parts. The first part is introduction, which points out the research background and significance. The second part is literature review, including the research status at home and abroad. The third part introduces the meaning and the basic form of foreign direct investment. The fourth part is the development status of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. The fifth part analyzes the routes that influence Jilin's economic growth. The sixth part is the problem of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. The seventh part analyzes the cause of the problems. The last part is the strategy for foreign direct investment of Jilin province, to analyze the solutions from different views.
This article comes up with effective policy suggestions through the research methods of the combination of theory and practice, and based on our country's national condition, market economy as the research framework, and combine with the study of regional development, by analyzing the development status of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. It can give some supplements and improvements to the theory research of foreign direct investment.
Key words: Foreign Direct Investment; Jilin province; Economic growth; Countermeasures
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
2文献综述 3
2.1 国外研究现状 3
2.2 国内研究现状 3
3外商直接投资的涵义及基本形式 5
3.1 外商直接投资的涵义 5
3.1.1 概念界定 5
3.1.2 基本性质 5
3.2 外商直接投资的基本形式 6
3.2.1 合资经营企业 6
3.2.2 合作经营企业 6
3.2.3 外商独资经营企业 6
3.2.4 合作开发 7
3.2.5 新的投资方式 7
4吉林省利用外商直接投资现状 8
4.1 外商直接投资保持快速稳定发展 8
4.1.1 增长速度快,增长幅度大 8
4.1.2 大项目拉动作用明显,技术含量提高 8
4.2外资发展特点符合国内趋势 9
4.2.1投资方式以中外合资、外商独资为主 9
4.2.2 行业分布较为明显 9
4.3 外资来源较为集中 10
5外商直接投资对吉林省经济增长的影响途经分析 12
5.1 资本形成 12
5.2 贸易促进 12
5.3 技术进步 12
5.4 产业结构 13
6吉林省利用外商直接投资存在的问题 14
6.1 外商直接投资规模较小,地区发展不协调 14
6.1.1 外商直接投资总体规模较小 14
6.1.2 各州市利用外资差异大 14
6.2 产业投向存在偏差 15
6.2.1 尚未充分利用自身农业优势 15
6.2.2 外资结构投向不合理 15
6.3 投资环境阻碍作用较为明显 16
6.3.1基础设施老化,人力资源匮乏 16
6.3.2市场化程度低,各部门分工不协调 16
7影响吉林省利用外商直接投资的原因分析 17
7.1 经济因素 17
7.2 社会因素 17
7.3 自然因素 18
8改善吉林省利用外商直接投资的对策 19
8.1 加强产业引导 19
8.1.1 积极引导外商直接投资投向农业,发展自身优势 19
8.1.2 引导外商直接投资产业投向,促进产业升级 19
8.2 优化投资环境 19
8.2.1 加快农村体制改革,营造良好投资软环境 19
8.2.2 加强人力资源的开发,提升人力资源的质量 20
8.3 促进外商直接投资主体趋向多元化 20
8.3.1 充分利用振兴东北老工业基地政策 20
8.3.2 加大力度吸收东北亚各国的投资 21
8.3.3 加快发展服务业,促进外资多元化发展 21
结论 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25
Foreign direct investment is an important part of foreign capital economy, which has brought in advanced technology and knowledge in a long period operation process in China, and it has played an important role in the economic construction of our country. Jilin province gradually accumulated experience and has achieved good results in the process of using foreign direct investment. But there are still many critical issues. Therefore, it has certain practical significance to analyze the current situation of FDI of Jilin province and to put forward effective policy suggestions.
This article contains eight parts. The first part is introduction, which points out the research background and significance. The second part is literature review, including the research status at home and abroad. The third part introduces the meaning and the basic form of foreign direct investment. The fourth part is the development status of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. The fifth part analyzes the routes that influence Jilin's economic growth. The sixth part is the problem of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. The seventh part analyzes the cause of the problems. The last part is the strategy for foreign direct investment of Jilin province, to analyze the solutions from different views.
This article comes up with effective policy suggestions through the research methods of the combination of theory and practice, and based on our country's national condition, market economy as the research framework, and combine with the study of regional development, by analyzing the development status of foreign direct investment of Jilin province. It can give some supplements and improvements to the theory research of foreign direct investment.
Key words: Foreign Direct Investment; Jilin province; Economic growth; Countermeasures
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
2文献综述 3
2.1 国外研究现状 3
2.2 国内研究现状 3
3外商直接投资的涵义及基本形式 5
3.1 外商直接投资的涵义 5
3.1.1 概念界定 5
3.1.2 基本性质 5
3.2 外商直接投资的基本形式 6
3.2.1 合资经营企业 6
3.2.2 合作经营企业 6
3.2.3 外商独资经营企业 6
3.2.4 合作开发 7
3.2.5 新的投资方式 7
4吉林省利用外商直接投资现状 8
4.1 外商直接投资保持快速稳定发展 8
4.1.1 增长速度快,增长幅度大 8
4.1.2 大项目拉动作用明显,技术含量提高 8
4.2外资发展特点符合国内趋势 9
4.2.1投资方式以中外合资、外商独资为主 9
4.2.2 行业分布较为明显 9
4.3 外资来源较为集中 10
5外商直接投资对吉林省经济增长的影响途经分析 12
5.1 资本形成 12
5.2 贸易促进 12
5.3 技术进步 12
5.4 产业结构 13
6吉林省利用外商直接投资存在的问题 14
6.1 外商直接投资规模较小,地区发展不协调 14
6.1.1 外商直接投资总体规模较小 14
6.1.2 各州市利用外资差异大 14
6.2 产业投向存在偏差 15
6.2.1 尚未充分利用自身农业优势 15
6.2.2 外资结构投向不合理 15
6.3 投资环境阻碍作用较为明显 16
6.3.1基础设施老化,人力资源匮乏 16
6.3.2市场化程度低,各部门分工不协调 16
7影响吉林省利用外商直接投资的原因分析 17
7.1 经济因素 17
7.2 社会因素 17
7.3 自然因素 18
8改善吉林省利用外商直接投资的对策 19
8.1 加强产业引导 19
8.1.1 积极引导外商直接投资投向农业,发展自身优势 19
8.1.2 引导外商直接投资产业投向,促进产业升级 19
8.2 优化投资环境 19
8.2.1 加快农村体制改革,营造良好投资软环境 19
8.2.2 加强人力资源的开发,提升人力资源的质量 20
8.3 促进外商直接投资主体趋向多元化 20
8.3.1 充分利用振兴东北老工业基地政策 20
8.3.2 加大力度吸收东北亚各国的投资 21
8.3.3 加快发展服务业,促进外资多元化发展 21
结论 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25