河南灵宝三中高二英语北师大版必修5 选修6导学案1(26份).rar


河南灵宝三中高二英语北师大版必修5 选修6导学案1(26份),年级:高二学科:英语设计人:李晓园 审核人:班华侨 编号(1) 日期:寄语:time and tides wait for no man---时不待人知识目标:掌握描述人物外貌的一些词汇;理解并会使用心理测试里的一些重点短语;通过阅读了解什么是iq,什么是eq。能力目标:根据所学单词描述人物;通过听获取外貌的相关信息,...
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原文档由会员 锲而不舍 发布

年级:高二 学科:英语 设计人:李晓园 审核人:班华侨 编号(1) 日期:
寄语:Time and tides wait for no man---时不待人
1)If you want to describe a person’s appearance, what words will you use ?
General short ,tall__________________________________
Facial expressions happy, sad_________________________________
Age middle-aged, young__________________________
Hair dark, white_______________________________
Clothing T-shirt, skirt_______________________________
Special features moustache________________________________

Lesson 1 EQ:IQ
1. 按要求阅读第1篇课文,回答下列问题,为每段标上段落序号(1-3)。
_____tells how intelligent you are;
_____tells how you use your intelligence.
②First reading
Read and decide which is the main idea of Passage1.
a) EQ is less important than IQ.
b) EQ is as important or more important than IQ.
c) A person’s EQ equals to his IQ.
③Second reading
para 1 Success is not simply the result of a high IQ.
para 2 There’s no d efinite association between IQ and EQ
para 3 The difference between IQ and EQ.
1)What does the recent research say about a person’s success and his or her IQ?

2) How does Professor Salovey describe EQ and IQ?

3)Why do some smart students end up failing exams according to Prof. Salovey?

3 、阅读第二篇文章,做下面练习题。
1) 将每段主要内容与段落序号连线
Para1 Suppprting evidence—there are change s i n people’s EQ after
Para2 Conclusion---high EQ helps people g et ahead in the world and
Lead a happy and successful life.
Para3 Comparision---peop le with high and low EQ in life.
Para4 Statement---EQ has a lot to do with education.
2) 回答问题。
①Can a person’s EQ be improved? What about his IQ?

②What’s the meaning of “people skills”? Is it important to improve them if
you want to be successful in life? Why/why not?

4.再 一次阅读文章,概括出文章的中心意思。
(提示:本文讲述了大多数人认为智商比情商重要,然而,成功不仅仅是因为高智商,而且也是高情商的结果。如果情商不比 智商更重要的话,至少也是一样重要。)