十字路口交通灯plc控制设计,十字路口交通灯plc控制设计①页数 23②字数 5913③摘要 本设计是用plc来实现对十字路口交通信号灯的控制,其控制方法是采用西门子的s7-200系列cpu224型号plc对东西南北的红、黄、绿、左绿灯实现有规律的循环闪亮,以达到对交通信号灯的控制。控制过程中采用了顺序控制设计法用了八个定时器六个计数器分时段分频率...

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①页数 23
②字数 5913
This design is realizes with PLC to the intersection street-traffic control lights' control, its control method is uses Simens's S7-200 series CPU224 model PLC to the East, West, South and North red, yellow, green, the left green light to realize the orderly circulation to glisten, achieves to street-traffic control lights' control. In the controlled process used the sequential control design law to use eight timer six counters to divide the time interval frequency division rate to realize automatically to eight controlled member control. The control procedure includes the smooth functional diagram (SFC), trapezoidal chart (LAD), instruction list (STL). What simulation test with is S7-200 sinicizes version's simulation software to carry on the simulation, passed through finally debugs many times has realized the complete design requirements which we needed.
引言 1
1设计内容及要求 2
2系统硬件设计 3
2.1 硬件选择 3
2.2 PLC外部接线设计 3
2.1.1 PLC输入输出接口分配 3
2.1.2 PLC外部接线图 3
3系统软件设计 4
3.1 整体控制设计 4
3.2 系统仿真与测试 6
3.2.1 调试中遇到的问题 6
3.2.2 问题分析与解决方案 6
3.2.3 程序仿真 7
4设计总结 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
附录 12
附录Ⅰ 12
附录Ⅰ 17
PLC S7-200;交通信号灯;自动控制
PLC S7-200;street-traffic control lights;automatic control
[1] 许谬、王淑英编著.电气控制与PLC[M].机械工业出版社,2006
[2] 廖常初主编.PLC编程及应用(第3版)[M].机械工业出版社 ,2008
[3] 罗宇航主编.流行PLC实用程序及设计[M].机械工业出版社 ,2006
[4] 方承远主编.工厂电气控制技术(第3版)[M]. 机械工业出版社,2008 [5] 姚英学主编.计算机辅助设计与制造[M]. 高等教育出版社 ,2002
[6] 王爱玲主编.现代数控原理及控制系统[M]. 北京:国防工业出版社,2003
[7] 罗宇航主编.流行PLC实用程序及设计[M]. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2006
①页数 23
②字数 5913
This design is realizes with PLC to the intersection street-traffic control lights' control, its control method is uses Simens's S7-200 series CPU224 model PLC to the East, West, South and North red, yellow, green, the left green light to realize the orderly circulation to glisten, achieves to street-traffic control lights' control. In the controlled process used the sequential control design law to use eight timer six counters to divide the time interval frequency division rate to realize automatically to eight controlled member control. The control procedure includes the smooth functional diagram (SFC), trapezoidal chart (LAD), instruction list (STL). What simulation test with is S7-200 sinicizes version's simulation software to carry on the simulation, passed through finally debugs many times has realized the complete design requirements which we needed.
引言 1
1设计内容及要求 2
2系统硬件设计 3
2.1 硬件选择 3
2.2 PLC外部接线设计 3
2.1.1 PLC输入输出接口分配 3
2.1.2 PLC外部接线图 3
3系统软件设计 4
3.1 整体控制设计 4
3.2 系统仿真与测试 6
3.2.1 调试中遇到的问题 6
3.2.2 问题分析与解决方案 6
3.2.3 程序仿真 7
4设计总结 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
附录 12
附录Ⅰ 12
附录Ⅰ 17
PLC S7-200;交通信号灯;自动控制
PLC S7-200;street-traffic control lights;automatic control
[1] 许谬、王淑英编著.电气控制与PLC[M].机械工业出版社,2006
[2] 廖常初主编.PLC编程及应用(第3版)[M].机械工业出版社 ,2008
[3] 罗宇航主编.流行PLC实用程序及设计[M].机械工业出版社 ,2006
[4] 方承远主编.工厂电气控制技术(第3版)[M]. 机械工业出版社,2008 [5] 姚英学主编.计算机辅助设计与制造[M]. 高等教育出版社 ,2002
[6] 王爱玲主编.现代数控原理及控制系统[M]. 北京:国防工业出版社,2003
[7] 罗宇航主编.流行PLC实用程序及设计[M]. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2006