亚临界压力锅炉的研究,①页数 39②字数 30927③摘要 与发达国家相比,我国电力工业的起步较晚。解放前,我国还没有自己的锅炉制造业;解放后,我国先后在哈尔滨、上海、四川、北京、武汉等地建立了锅炉生产基地。50年代后期设计并制造了与50mw汽轮发电机组配套的容量为230t/h的锅炉。六七十年代,我国的电力工业有了较快的...

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①页数 39
②字数 30927
与发达国家相比,我国电力工业的起步较晚。解放前,我国还没有自己的锅炉制造业;解放后,我国先后在哈尔滨、上海、四川、北京、武汉等地建立了锅炉生产基地。50年代后期设计并制造了与50MW汽轮发电机组配套的容量为230t/h的锅炉。六七十年代,我国的电力工业有了较快的发展,到七十年代末,已先后设计和制造了与125、200、300MW汽轮发电机组配套的容量为400、670、1000t/h高压、超高压和亚临界压力的锅炉[1] [2] [3]。80年代中期,我国先后引进了与300、600MW汽轮发电机组配套的1025、2008t/h的亚临界压力锅炉。现在,我国已有能力自行设计并制造与600MW汽轮发电机组配套的2000t/h级的超临界两次中间再热的电站锅炉,现在,我国已有大量亚临界大型锅炉机组的制造和运行经验,但与世界先进机组相比还有一定差距,应当尽快进行改造,缩短这些差距。
Compared with developed countries, China's power industry started relatively late. Before the liberation, China has not yet own a boiler manufacturing; After the liberation, China has in Harbin, Shanghai, Sichuan, Beijing, Wuhan and other places set up production base in the boiler. Designed and built the late 50s with the supporting capacity of 50MW turbine-generator unit for 230t / h boilers. The sixties and seventies, China's power industry has been rapid development, to the late seventies, had already designed and manufactured with the 125,200,300 MW turbo-generator capacity of supporting 400,670,1000 t / h high-pressure , ultra-high pressure and sub-critical pressure boilers. The mid-80s, China has imported 300,600 MW turbine-generator unit with the matching 1025,2008 t / h of the sub-critical pressure boilers. At present, China has the ability to design and manufacture and 600MW turbine-generator unit supporting 2000t / h level between the two re-supercritical thermal power plant boiler, and now, China has a large number of sub-critical large boiler unit manufacturing and operational experience However, with the world still lags far behind the advanced units, it should be modified as soon as possible, reduce these gaps.
To further reduce the equipment investment per kilowatt, metal consumption, operation and management costs, improve plant operation and safety of the economy, high-parameter, large-capacity, high-automation technology, large-scale power station boilers and clean combustion technology has become the power plant boiler trends. Therefore, research on these issues for their problems, their corresponding transformed and made a number of advanced technical solutions, thus reducing the severity of failure to reduce the accident rate of the boiler, the boiler can be used to improve rate and efficiency, sub-critical pressure boilers for the future design and operation to provide some benefit from the experience.
This starting point is sub-critical boiler technology research, through the elaborate sub-critical parameters and control of natural circulation loop dynamic characteristics of the water to introduce the sub-critical and super critical boilers in the main technical characteristics of the sub-critical boilers and super-critical boiler and reliable sex, hot economy and major systems, has done a detailed comparison, to arrive at the sub-critical boilers for the development of China's power industry importance.
1 亚临界压力锅炉的分类及特点 1
1.1 亚临界压力自然循环锅炉的研究 1
1.1.1 自然循环锅炉的循环特性 1
1.1.2 自然循环锅炉的特点 2
1.2 亚临界压力控制循环锅炉的研究 2
1.2.1 控制循环锅炉的水动力特性 2
1.2.2 控制循环锅炉的特点 3
1.3 亚临界压力直流锅炉 4
2 亚临界与超临界锅炉的比较 4
2.1 亚临界与超临界压力锅炉蒸汽参数与炉型的比较 4
2.2 亚临界与超临界压力锅炉可靠性与经济性的比较 5
2.2.1 可靠性比较 5
2.2.2 经济性比较 5
2.3 锅炉本体与主要系统的比较 5
2.3.1 水冷系统的区别 5
2.3.2 启动过程的差异 6
2.3.3 汽机旁路系统的不同 6
3 亚临界压力锅炉过热器与再热器的分析 6
3.1 过热器和再热器的作用及工作特点 6
3.2 过热器、再热器的介绍 7
3.2.1 过热器和再热器的型式 7
3.2.2 过热器和再热器的汽温特性 8
3.3.1 过热器和再热器超温的直接原因 8
3.3.2 过热器和再热器超温爆管的根本原因 10
3.4 预防过热器和再热器超温爆管的措施 11
4 亚临界压力锅炉水冷壁的研究 12
4.1 水冷壁的作用与工作特点 12
4.2 水冷壁高温腐蚀原因分析 13
4.2.1 水冷壁水汽侧高温腐蚀的机理 13
4.2.2 水冷壁烟气侧高温腐蚀的机理 14
4.3 影响高温..
①页数 39
②字数 30927
与发达国家相比,我国电力工业的起步较晚。解放前,我国还没有自己的锅炉制造业;解放后,我国先后在哈尔滨、上海、四川、北京、武汉等地建立了锅炉生产基地。50年代后期设计并制造了与50MW汽轮发电机组配套的容量为230t/h的锅炉。六七十年代,我国的电力工业有了较快的发展,到七十年代末,已先后设计和制造了与125、200、300MW汽轮发电机组配套的容量为400、670、1000t/h高压、超高压和亚临界压力的锅炉[1] [2] [3]。80年代中期,我国先后引进了与300、600MW汽轮发电机组配套的1025、2008t/h的亚临界压力锅炉。现在,我国已有能力自行设计并制造与600MW汽轮发电机组配套的2000t/h级的超临界两次中间再热的电站锅炉,现在,我国已有大量亚临界大型锅炉机组的制造和运行经验,但与世界先进机组相比还有一定差距,应当尽快进行改造,缩短这些差距。
Compared with developed countries, China's power industry started relatively late. Before the liberation, China has not yet own a boiler manufacturing; After the liberation, China has in Harbin, Shanghai, Sichuan, Beijing, Wuhan and other places set up production base in the boiler. Designed and built the late 50s with the supporting capacity of 50MW turbine-generator unit for 230t / h boilers. The sixties and seventies, China's power industry has been rapid development, to the late seventies, had already designed and manufactured with the 125,200,300 MW turbo-generator capacity of supporting 400,670,1000 t / h high-pressure , ultra-high pressure and sub-critical pressure boilers. The mid-80s, China has imported 300,600 MW turbine-generator unit with the matching 1025,2008 t / h of the sub-critical pressure boilers. At present, China has the ability to design and manufacture and 600MW turbine-generator unit supporting 2000t / h level between the two re-supercritical thermal power plant boiler, and now, China has a large number of sub-critical large boiler unit manufacturing and operational experience However, with the world still lags far behind the advanced units, it should be modified as soon as possible, reduce these gaps.
To further reduce the equipment investment per kilowatt, metal consumption, operation and management costs, improve plant operation and safety of the economy, high-parameter, large-capacity, high-automation technology, large-scale power station boilers and clean combustion technology has become the power plant boiler trends. Therefore, research on these issues for their problems, their corresponding transformed and made a number of advanced technical solutions, thus reducing the severity of failure to reduce the accident rate of the boiler, the boiler can be used to improve rate and efficiency, sub-critical pressure boilers for the future design and operation to provide some benefit from the experience.
This starting point is sub-critical boiler technology research, through the elaborate sub-critical parameters and control of natural circulation loop dynamic characteristics of the water to introduce the sub-critical and super critical boilers in the main technical characteristics of the sub-critical boilers and super-critical boiler and reliable sex, hot economy and major systems, has done a detailed comparison, to arrive at the sub-critical boilers for the development of China's power industry importance.
1 亚临界压力锅炉的分类及特点 1
1.1 亚临界压力自然循环锅炉的研究 1
1.1.1 自然循环锅炉的循环特性 1
1.1.2 自然循环锅炉的特点 2
1.2 亚临界压力控制循环锅炉的研究 2
1.2.1 控制循环锅炉的水动力特性 2
1.2.2 控制循环锅炉的特点 3
1.3 亚临界压力直流锅炉 4
2 亚临界与超临界锅炉的比较 4
2.1 亚临界与超临界压力锅炉蒸汽参数与炉型的比较 4
2.2 亚临界与超临界压力锅炉可靠性与经济性的比较 5
2.2.1 可靠性比较 5
2.2.2 经济性比较 5
2.3 锅炉本体与主要系统的比较 5
2.3.1 水冷系统的区别 5
2.3.2 启动过程的差异 6
2.3.3 汽机旁路系统的不同 6
3 亚临界压力锅炉过热器与再热器的分析 6
3.1 过热器和再热器的作用及工作特点 6
3.2 过热器、再热器的介绍 7
3.2.1 过热器和再热器的型式 7
3.2.2 过热器和再热器的汽温特性 8
3.3.1 过热器和再热器超温的直接原因 8
3.3.2 过热器和再热器超温爆管的根本原因 10
3.4 预防过热器和再热器超温爆管的措施 11
4 亚临界压力锅炉水冷壁的研究 12
4.1 水冷壁的作用与工作特点 12
4.2 水冷壁高温腐蚀原因分析 13
4.2.1 水冷壁水汽侧高温腐蚀的机理 13
4.2.2 水冷壁烟气侧高温腐蚀的机理 14
4.3 影响高温..