γ- mn基合金双向形状记忆效应特性的研究_外文翻译.zip
γ- mn基合金双向形状记忆效应特性的研究_外文翻译,翻译共8页 英翻中investigation of nature of two-way shapememory effect in -mn based alloysthe -mn based alloys with martensitic transformation of such as the binary mn-...

原文档由会员 牛奶咖啡 发布
翻译共8页 英翻中
The -Mn based alloys with martensitic transformation of such as the binary Mn-Cu and the ones withthe small additions of Cr, Ni, Ge, Si et al. are representatives of the alloys with a pronounced two-wayshape memory effect (1,2). This property is the ability of samples to the alter their shape both withheating and cooling i.e. in the process of the reverse and direct martensitic transformation. Fig. 1illustrates the change of shape of a sample of 80%Mn-19%Cu-1%Ni alloy in the form of anArchimedean spiral manufactured by the twist of a strip at the room temperature with temperature.When the temperature is raised the spiral untwists in the direction opposed to the sign of the preliminaryplastic deformation (curve 1). The process is completed near the temperature of reverse martensiticfinishing point Af. The shape recovery ( rec) is not full: usually it equals 0.2– 0.5 of the pre-deformationvalue depending on degree of the preliminary deformation; the absolute value of recdepends uponstructural characteristics of the martensitic phase (3,4). With subsequent decrease of the temperature thespiral is deformed spontaneously tending to reach the shape which it had at the room temperature (curve2). After completion of the cooling the returned deformation ( rev) is near 0.6 – 0.7 from the shaperecovery value. With continuation of temperature cycling there is a reversible change of the shape(along curve 2) with a very small hysteresis.The purpose of the paper is to report data concerned with the structural mechanism of the reversibleshape memory effect in the martensitic Mn-Cu based alloys. We have investigated the characteristicsof the martensitic transformation, the mechanism of the plastic deformation of the martensite, thedependence of the reversible thermodeformation revon internal microstresses in the -solid solution(after reverse martensitic transformation) and the conditions of formation of oriented internal stressesin the alloys.
Mn-Cu二元合金是具有马氏体相变的γ-Mn基合金,在其中加入少量Cr、Ni、Ge、Si等元素后,具有明显的双向形状记忆效应(1,2)。此属性是样品通过加热和冷却,即逆向和直接马氏体相变过程来改变其形状的能力。例如:图1表示将成分为80%Mn-19%Cu-1%Ni的条状合金,在室温时卷成阿基米德(Archimedean)螺旋线,当温度升高时,螺旋线沿着与原来塑性变形相反的方向伸直(曲线1)。这个过程发生在马氏体逆相变温度 Af 点附近。形状的恢复(ε rec) 是不完全的:依照预变形的程度,一般为预变形值的0.2~0.5左右。ε rec的大小取决于马氏体相的结构特性(3,4)。接着随着温度的降低,螺旋线自发畸变为接近于室温时的形状(曲线2)。当完全冷却时, 根据形状恢复值,恢复的形变量(ε rec) 接近0.6~0.7。在随后的温度循环中, 其形状的变化是可逆的(沿曲线2),滞后效果很小。
本文研究了马氏体Mn-Cu基合金的双向形状记忆效应的结构机制, 并进一步了解马氏体转变的特性、马氏体的塑性变形机制;以及在马氏体逆相变后, 热变形恢复率ε rec与γ固溶体中内部显微应力的关系以及合金中具有择优取向的内应力的形成条件。
The -Mn based alloys with martensitic transformation of such as the binary Mn-Cu and the ones withthe small additions of Cr, Ni, Ge, Si et al. are representatives of the alloys with a pronounced two-wayshape memory effect (1,2). This property is the ability of samples to the alter their shape both withheating and cooling i.e. in the process of the reverse and direct martensitic transformation. Fig. 1illustrates the change of shape of a sample of 80%Mn-19%Cu-1%Ni alloy in the form of anArchimedean spiral manufactured by the twist of a strip at the room temperature with temperature.When the temperature is raised the spiral untwists in the direction opposed to the sign of the preliminaryplastic deformation (curve 1). The process is completed near the temperature of reverse martensiticfinishing point Af. The shape recovery ( rec) is not full: usually it equals 0.2– 0.5 of the pre-deformationvalue depending on degree of the preliminary deformation; the absolute value of recdepends uponstructural characteristics of the martensitic phase (3,4). With subsequent decrease of the temperature thespiral is deformed spontaneously tending to reach the shape which it had at the room temperature (curve2). After completion of the cooling the returned deformation ( rev) is near 0.6 – 0.7 from the shaperecovery value. With continuation of temperature cycling there is a reversible change of the shape(along curve 2) with a very small hysteresis.The purpose of the paper is to report data concerned with the structural mechanism of the reversibleshape memory effect in the martensitic Mn-Cu based alloys. We have investigated the characteristicsof the martensitic transformation, the mechanism of the plastic deformation of the martensite, thedependence of the reversible thermodeformation revon internal microstresses in the -solid solution(after reverse martensitic transformation) and the conditions of formation of oriented internal stressesin the alloys.
Mn-Cu二元合金是具有马氏体相变的γ-Mn基合金,在其中加入少量Cr、Ni、Ge、Si等元素后,具有明显的双向形状记忆效应(1,2)。此属性是样品通过加热和冷却,即逆向和直接马氏体相变过程来改变其形状的能力。例如:图1表示将成分为80%Mn-19%Cu-1%Ni的条状合金,在室温时卷成阿基米德(Archimedean)螺旋线,当温度升高时,螺旋线沿着与原来塑性变形相反的方向伸直(曲线1)。这个过程发生在马氏体逆相变温度 Af 点附近。形状的恢复(ε rec) 是不完全的:依照预变形的程度,一般为预变形值的0.2~0.5左右。ε rec的大小取决于马氏体相的结构特性(3,4)。接着随着温度的降低,螺旋线自发畸变为接近于室温时的形状(曲线2)。当完全冷却时, 根据形状恢复值,恢复的形变量(ε rec) 接近0.6~0.7。在随后的温度循环中, 其形状的变化是可逆的(沿曲线2),滞后效果很小。
本文研究了马氏体Mn-Cu基合金的双向形状记忆效应的结构机制, 并进一步了解马氏体转变的特性、马氏体的塑性变形机制;以及在马氏体逆相变后, 热变形恢复率ε rec与γ固溶体中内部显微应力的关系以及合金中具有择优取向的内应力的形成条件。