浙江省纺织业出口竞争现状及对策分析,摘 要:自古以来中国就有丝绸之路,中国的丝绸早已被世人所熟知。纺织业在中国,有着悠久和辉煌的历史。在面对经济全球化和国际贸易自由化的发展环境下,中国的纺织业如何提升国际竞争力已经成为迫切需求。而浙江是国内主要的纺织品生产基地,是我国纺织品的主要出口省份之一,在快速发展的同时,浙江省纺织...

此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布
摘 要:自古以来中国就有丝绸之路,中国的丝绸早已被世人所熟知。纺织业在中国,有着悠久和辉煌的历史。在面对经济全球化和国际贸易自由化的发展环境下,中国的纺织业如何提升国际竞争力已经成为迫切需求。而浙江是国内主要的纺织品生产基地,是我国纺织品的主要出口省份之一,在快速发展的同时,浙江省纺织业的发展也面临严峻挑战。本文首先介绍浙江纺织业出口的现状,指出纺织业在浙江出口贸易中的重要地位。之后采用贸易竞争力指数,显示性比较优势指数和国际市场占有率对浙江纺织业出口竞争力进行评价和分析,指出了浙江纺织业出口存在的问题及面临的挑战。最终在以上分析的基础上,从国家、行业协会以及企业三个方面,分别提出了发展浙江省纺织业的相关对策和建议。
Analysis of the current situation and Countermeasures of Zhejiang Province Textile Export Competition
,Major in International Economics and Business,
Institute Of Modern Service
Abstract:Since ancient times, China had the Silk Road, China's silk has been known to the world for a long time. The textile industry in China has a long and glorious history. Facing the environment for the development of economic globalization and the liberalization of international trade, how to enhance the international competitiveness of China’s textile industry has become an urgent requirement. Zhejiang is the main production base of textile, and one of the main export provinces of our country textile, in the rapid development at the same time, the development of the textile industry in Zhejiang is facing severe challenges. This paper described the status of Zhejiang textile exports and noted the important role in Zhejiang textile export trade. Using the trade competitiveness index, then revealed comparative advantage index and international market share eva luate and analyze Zhejiang textile export competitiveness, pointing out the challenges and problems of Zhejiang textile export. In the final analysis, on the basis of the above, from the state, industry associations and enterprises, namely, put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions of development of the textile industry in Zhejiang Province.
Key words: textile industry; situation; problem; countermeasures
目 录
一、引 言 1
二、浙江省纺织业出口现状分析 1
(一)出口额 1
(二)出口结构 2
(三)出口主体 2
(四)出口市场 3
三、浙江省纺织业出口竞争力指标分析 3
(一)出口竞争力的概念 4
(二)出口竞争力评价指标选取 4
1.竞争优势指数即贸易竞争力指数TC 4
2.显示性比较优势指数RCA 5
3.市场占有率MS 6
四、浙江省纺织业出口问题分析 7
(一)出口门槛不断提高 7
(二)成本价格上涨 7
1.原材料价格上涨 7
2.其他附加成本增加 7
(三)技术水平低 8
(四)产业结构不合理,出口市场单一 8
(五)自主品牌建设滞后 9
五、提升浙江省纺织业出口竞争力的对策分析 9
(一)国家方面 9
1.优化全国纺织业产业布局 9
2.加强对纺织品绿色环保标准的监控 9
3.给予技术资金支持 10
(二)行业协会方面 10
1.加强互动与沟通,提供相关信息与咨询 10
2.发展相关产业,进而提高竞争力 10
3.加强自律,合理竞争 10
(三)企业方面 11
1.加快技术创新,提高企业核心竞争力 11
2.打造自己的品牌 11
3.积极实施“走出去”战略,开拓新兴市场 12
六、总结 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14
摘 要:自古以来中国就有丝绸之路,中国的丝绸早已被世人所熟知。纺织业在中国,有着悠久和辉煌的历史。在面对经济全球化和国际贸易自由化的发展环境下,中国的纺织业如何提升国际竞争力已经成为迫切需求。而浙江是国内主要的纺织品生产基地,是我国纺织品的主要出口省份之一,在快速发展的同时,浙江省纺织业的发展也面临严峻挑战。本文首先介绍浙江纺织业出口的现状,指出纺织业在浙江出口贸易中的重要地位。之后采用贸易竞争力指数,显示性比较优势指数和国际市场占有率对浙江纺织业出口竞争力进行评价和分析,指出了浙江纺织业出口存在的问题及面临的挑战。最终在以上分析的基础上,从国家、行业协会以及企业三个方面,分别提出了发展浙江省纺织业的相关对策和建议。
Analysis of the current situation and Countermeasures of Zhejiang Province Textile Export Competition
,Major in International Economics and Business,
Institute Of Modern Service
Abstract:Since ancient times, China had the Silk Road, China's silk has been known to the world for a long time. The textile industry in China has a long and glorious history. Facing the environment for the development of economic globalization and the liberalization of international trade, how to enhance the international competitiveness of China’s textile industry has become an urgent requirement. Zhejiang is the main production base of textile, and one of the main export provinces of our country textile, in the rapid development at the same time, the development of the textile industry in Zhejiang is facing severe challenges. This paper described the status of Zhejiang textile exports and noted the important role in Zhejiang textile export trade. Using the trade competitiveness index, then revealed comparative advantage index and international market share eva luate and analyze Zhejiang textile export competitiveness, pointing out the challenges and problems of Zhejiang textile export. In the final analysis, on the basis of the above, from the state, industry associations and enterprises, namely, put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions of development of the textile industry in Zhejiang Province.
Key words: textile industry; situation; problem; countermeasures
目 录
一、引 言 1
二、浙江省纺织业出口现状分析 1
(一)出口额 1
(二)出口结构 2
(三)出口主体 2
(四)出口市场 3
三、浙江省纺织业出口竞争力指标分析 3
(一)出口竞争力的概念 4
(二)出口竞争力评价指标选取 4
1.竞争优势指数即贸易竞争力指数TC 4
2.显示性比较优势指数RCA 5
3.市场占有率MS 6
四、浙江省纺织业出口问题分析 7
(一)出口门槛不断提高 7
(二)成本价格上涨 7
1.原材料价格上涨 7
2.其他附加成本增加 7
(三)技术水平低 8
(四)产业结构不合理,出口市场单一 8
(五)自主品牌建设滞后 9
五、提升浙江省纺织业出口竞争力的对策分析 9
(一)国家方面 9
1.优化全国纺织业产业布局 9
2.加强对纺织品绿色环保标准的监控 9
3.给予技术资金支持 10
(二)行业协会方面 10
1.加强互动与沟通,提供相关信息与咨询 10
2.发展相关产业,进而提高竞争力 10
3.加强自律,合理竞争 10
(三)企业方面 11
1.加快技术创新,提高企业核心竞争力 11
2.打造自己的品牌 11
3.积极实施“走出去”战略,开拓新兴市场 12
六、总结 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14